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New Community; 'Question&Answer'

I realized that Hive Blockchain is not a Q&A community. Several community pages have already been opened. However, they are also abandoned. We all know how much the establishment of communities in different fields contributes to the Hive Blockchain. Our community page, where sharing can be made in the form of questions and answers, is active. In other words, both the questions asked and the answers given can be rewarded. You can get ideas from other users and find answers to solve your problem by posting a question on the community page. Likewise, you can answer the questions asked in the fields you have knowledge about. The curators will evaluate your questions and answers. You can reward the answers by accumulating the crypto coins you earn from the votes given by the rating.

  • Try to ask open-ended questions. So "yes, no, it's happening" etc. Ask questions that can have long answers rather than questions that will get simple answers.
  • Make your questions as clear as possible. Try not to ask more than one question in one post.
  • Please! Do not ask controversial questions targeting any religion, race or political view.
  • Give as descriptive answers as possible, focusing on the question asked. Please do not give very short answers such as "yes" or "no", which can be interpreted as spam.

Thus, we can become a more active, learning-oriented community where knowledge is shared. We can earn profits while learning and sharing knowledge. I kept the introduction as short as possible. I will share informative posts with sample questions on the community page. See you in new articles.