Winner of the Top Contributor Contest Week 29


Hello Helo hello, how are you all everyone? I hope you are doing well in this beautiful ay today. It is time for me to announce the winner of the Top Contributor contest this week.

I hope you are all still having fun in the community, by making post whenever you can. But I would like to remind you that only one post will be counted as the entry for the contest, so please schedule it accordingly, or post it daily if you want. Because although you might make more post, but flood it in a day, then only one post that will be counted. : )

For this week, we have @juliansokto and @kopiko-blanca who managed to make 4 counted posts for the week. Congratulations to both of you. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 But I will use wheels of Names to select the first and the second winners since both of you made the same amount of posts for the week.

And the first winner who will get 2 HSBI Shares and 100 Cent token is....

Here is the proof of the HSBI prize sent.

I have sent the Cent token to both of you, but somehow it is not showing up in the explorer. In case you have not received it byt he end of the day, please kindly notify me, and I will resend the prize. thank you.

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