
Gina is now looking like she is living her dream, but actually she is trapped with the bad side of the Metropolitan.

Living in metropolitan is not as good as what people might think. Behind those extraordinary life of the millionaire there a dark secret lies behind it, and unfortunately Gina has been living with that secret.


She moved to the Metropolitan to study at one of the elite university in the nation. She actually come from a wealthy parents back at the hometown. She rode the best car in her hometown, she is well known because of her selfie in social media attracts lots of follower back home.

But in Metropolitan, she is no one. The best car she rode back home is just an average car in the Metropolitan, and her selfie post on her social media is no match with picturesque travel post from the influencer.

But now Gina is different, she ride sports car to university, her social media feed is filled with her around the globe travel to the extraordinary places with luxury services. To get all that she is willing to be a mistress of one the richest businessman in the nation, while also sucking the money from her boyfriend, a spoiled kid of the corrupt politician in the nation.

Short Post Challenge!!!

This is my personal challenge to make a short post based on what words come to my mind. I am not a good writer myself, thus I make this challenge as easy as I could. My goal is to make a short post every two other days so that I still have time to train my head to come up with ideas.
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