
Kitchen... vegetables... a magic trick?

What is this post even about?

Food maybe? Yeah... though I am not a good example of how to cook dishes that can be representative and eye-catching. Heaven knows I am not. My little family knows it too. And I would never rarely do a fodies post. While sober.

The other day my husband decided to be the leader in the kitchen, probably because I was not checking the process of cooking very often. To save the lunch he finished the stew, and it came out quite tasty. I said that he should cook every single day and that he is doing it better than me. But yesterday it was again me who stood by the stove. The results? Burnt soup (you are wondering how it can happen...), which was saved by removing the burnt peas and carrot cubes successfully. All good. And the rice was perfect!

Today, we decided we would not cook but make a magic show instead. We needed one magician and two helpers. The roles (who would be the magician and who the helpers) were not fixed, as during this show we switched the roles a few times.

At this moment I was the helper and the saboteur too because the process sometimes had to stop to take a photo.

We had our costumes on and the introduction story to the magician show started:

Once upon a time, a lonely Onion found itself on the wooden board. It was missing its other half, but still, this sweet onion didn't want to give us reasons to cry.


Anyway, a Carrot and a Zucchini appeared in no time to make him company.

Here the magician had to do a quick trick, to make these two vegetables come immediately. Huh, and no previous rehearsals happened in this show.


The vegetables get used to each one and they let the knife also be there. They were not bothered, they knew the knife is the essential part of this fun.

We switched roles for a moment and I became the magician to change the shape of these guys!

Abracadabra! Let the veggies change their shape. Cubes, circles or finely chopped, the faith of each one is to be fulfilled!


I used the knife for this trick. I know, I should not reveal all the secrets, but yes, we had some tools. The knife you see, and the wooden board, also a magic wand in the form of a wooden spoon and a frying pan. Another tool, yes, a large pot.

So, the ingredients changed their shape, they found themselves in little bowls, placed on the table. This reminded me of a head and two large ears hahaha. Like Mickey Mouse 😂


Ok, the show can't stop. The audience will ask for the next ingredients.
The magician took two empty bowls and said the spell:

Bowls, fill yourself with tuna and tomato sauce.


It was a success! The trick was followed by a loud applause and as a bonus, a plate with pasta appeared.

Such fun!


Now, the magician (the youngest helper who took the lead in the end) had to conjure! As I have already said, I can't reveal what he did, but I saw him mixing the veggies and frying them, adding later the tuna and tomato sauce, a little wine and spices, of course using the magic wand. Plus, a few additional abracadabras and the pasta changed its state. It was cooked.

Ok, be attentive now. We are almost at the end of this show.

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the last act! Set your plates, close your eyes and wish for your lunch.


You see... I still don't know if was it cooking or magic. 🤷‍♀

Need to check tomorrow with the rest of the crew what we will do, conjure or cook 😁


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