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10 GU Custom Cards Based on Game of Thrones


I've tried to do two things:

  • to design storytelling cards and
  • to add something new to the concept of Deception.

You be the judge of whether I succeeded.

1/ Hodor

Inspired by the tragedy of Hodor who, beyond his will, was turned into a blind instrument for serving the good.


I've added relevant videos below my custom cards for those who miss the series. 🙂

Hodor against a pile of zombies, the death scene:

2/ Direwolf

A loyal defender. A tough and discerning enemy:


Shadow of Lethenon of the Canine family.

Death of Summer, Bran Stark's direwolf:

3/ Bran Stark

A boy that turned into a warg and seer, protected by Hodor and a direwolf.


Bran Stark Trailer:

4/ Little Birds, Spies of Varys

Mugging that works like Dogs Unchained + Guild synergy:


Great to confuse Nature's plans or stab a big creature with a poisoned dagger (if your Uncanny Rogue is near).

Inspired by the assassination of old Maester Pycelle:

5/ Red Witch

Hidden enters other domains. What about introducing other domains' abilities, like foresee and leech, in Deception?

Melisandre of Asshai, aka Red Witch:


Inspired by the Hollow and the story of Renly Baratheon's murder.

6/ Angry Mom


In the books, unlike the series, Lady Catelyn Stark was resurrected after she had been murdered at the Red Wedding. She became Lady Stoneheart, a creature obsessed by vengeance:

Lady Stoneheart is totally monstrous [...] her flesh has turned soft and the color of curdled milk due to being submerged in river water for days; half of her hair is gone [...] her face is covered in scratch marks and black blood where she raked herself; her throat still slit open; the most terrible thing about her is her eyes, expressing deep hatred. In order to speak, she must cover the wound on her throat, and even then she is difficult to understand -

Catelyn Stark fights against an assassin to save his son's life, a direwolf gives protected to Bran Stark:

7/ Hot Pie

Hot Pie was a good friend of Arya Stark, a big boy who ended up a cook:


There were no bright scenes with this character, however, I found a comic investigation stating that Hot Pie was the true identity of the Night King 😃

8/ Ramsay the Bastard

The guy we all wanted to die asap:


This card is a way of stealing big creatures in the same manner as the sadist Ramsay Snow made Theon Greyjoy his servant - by means of pain.

One of the most exciting scenes: Vale knights are arriving to smash a perfect plan of Ramsay Snow.

A while later, captured Ramsay was torn apart by his hungry hounds.

Ramsay's Hounds is one more idea for a GU custom card 🙂

9/ Surprise Joffrey

A cruel young king that brings only harm to the kingdom. I've assigned features of Surprise Delivery to this character:



Probably, Delivery Deception archetype is possible based on such cards?

Another example of Delivery Deception:

10/ Some Wine?


I specially give Goblet of Wine a longer life to allow "refilling" it with the help of an order spell or order relic.

And a video for those who feel nostalgic for poisons in goblets of wine 🙂:


I've designed these cards on, an online app created by @kephler.

I've used screenshots from Game of Thrones series I found on As I understand, this doesn't violate copyright.

In the US Fair Use permits the use of small pieces of the original material for educational and critical purposes. A review generally counts as such -

Other users' GU custom cards are here.

Gods Unchained, especially Deception, and Game of Thrones echo each other. But it was not me who first suggested the idea of such fantasy cards. Someone in Gods on Chain told me a while ago they wanted to create such cards but I don't remember who exactly they were. I hope I have left enough space for other interpretations and continuation of the series. 🙂