Will Fun Deck Become Meta When Avalanche Watcher Released? How to Play Avalanche Watcher

šŸ™‚ You know what I've thought about Winter Wanderlands? šŸ˜€ They probably want to have such sales regularly, Light's Verdict has proved they're efficient from the point of raising money for the Gods Unchained company. I won't be surprised if they have a plan for Valentine Day too.

Vampires in Love (Death)? Poisoned Thorned Bouquet (Deception)? Shrooms' Intimacy with regen turning enemy creatures into pacifists with strength 0 (Magic Mushrooms' tribe, Magic)? Share your ideas for Valentine ā¤ļø set in comments. šŸ™‚

So how can they manage the balance of the game in that case? It'll be a tough task to tune it after every holiday. šŸ˜€ So my guess is that they might often release cards that belong or work well with minor tribes and archetypes. I got this guess when I saw Avalance Watcher (Atlantean Magic) and Curious Wandercats (Deception Nether).

Nethers looks a sort of number 2 for Deception but, unlike Nature's Amazons or Death's Anubians, totally lack synergy to be played as a separate archetype. Check the list of Deception + Neutral Nether creatures on tokentrove. There is only one card that synergies with Deception Nethers:

Another such archetype is Structure Magic which was strong once. Winter Wanderlands is going to add a new Structure card to Magic:

I have never played this archetype so have no clue if it can become great again with the help of Pallas' Wanderwagon. (Pallas's cats are always great, this is what I know šŸ˜). Your opinion?

Back to Atlantean Magic. The tribe is diverse and tough - check the list on tokentrove. It is ready to shoot (I assume), it only needs the finishing touch. Cards of upcoming sets can make it more competitive.

Avalanche Watcher from upcoming Winter Wanderlands set

What is important. In the comment section of @daje10's post, I found a very interesting quote, you'll love it:

It might be Magic Atlanteans are Anubians of the next set - already quite diverse and have their own flavor but lack the finishing touch.

Who has quoted this? It was me. Who is the author of the saying? Myself. šŸ˜ But these weird facts do not negate the relevance of this quote. šŸ˜„ (Today, I am the one who is laughing at his own jokes šŸ˜„).

Avalance Watcher looks cool and we'll know soon if it can improve the archetype's performance. And, here, let me post a couple of games of mine that showcase the potential of today's Atlantean Magic.

Atlantean Magic Beats Lysander's Spear + Thestor

My deck works like this: I lose too often even in Casual mode but I also win expensive decks, good enough to be successful in Mythic. One of such matches is below. The video is long so accelerate it 2x to see how tough Magic Atlanteans can be:

Atlantean Magic Beats Whisper Baron, Pyramid Warden, and Elementalists

Another great win that proves Atlanteans can treat hidden armies:

The Deck

First of all, I don't mean this is the only way of playing the archetype. Even worse - I've never serously played Magic and I lack knowledge and experience with it. For example, @meltysquid hinted that having Stormfield in this deck might be a bad idea. So, this is just my attempt to fold the puzzle:

For Casual mode only


How to play: create a mob of creatures on the board that buff each other (Phase Touched Golem, Undertow Rover, Spellsword Oni, Crystal Acolyte) or self-buff (Rolling Watcher, Crystal Acolyte). Hit the face as often as possible. Try to get boost early (Volcanic Watcher, situationally Stormfield). Clear the board (including hidden!) with afterlife damage (Atlantean Time-Bomb and Scuttler Sentry, Theoretical Thaumaturge of Mystic tribe) and spells (Crystal Rain, Flame of the Second Shattering). Set much boost (Stormfield) and hit the face with Epiphany / Flame.

How to Play Avalanche Watcher with Such a Deck?

I would try 2 of them in this deck instead of Rolling Watchers.

You should have Phase Touched Golem on the board first, even better to have Undertow Rover as well:

Then, drop Avalanche Watcher, let's say, on turn 5-7 and get from 5/6 to 7/8 creature with ward and potentially protected.

And it's backline!! So all minions (with ward/protected) will guard it!

If the second Avalanche Watcher follows the next turn - the game is over for the opponent. Control decks will bitterly cry. šŸ˜€

Isn't that game-changing for Atlantean Magic?? We will know it soon. šŸ™‚

Buying Cards When They Are Low

This is a golden rule for crypto "buy low" and it works for NFTs too. I understand that my ideas are purely speculative and Atlantean Magic might never be a strong archetype. Nevertheless, I invest GODS in cards in the hope to raise extra crypto. I like Gods Unchained isn't only about playing cards but, also, a financial game. (And I don't forget about saving and staking crypto ($IMX) as well).

So, here we are. My 30 Undertow Rovers mostly bought below 0.20 GODS each (check the current price on tokentrove):

35 Volcanic Watchers:

I recently bought 2 Phase Touched Golem on tokentrove. They are pricey in comparison with Undertow Rovers and Volcanic Watchers but Phase Touched Golem is the most key creature for the archetype and we all know how much epic Core cards can cost when their time comes. Let's hope my prediction is correct and I'll raise some crypto to become, at last, rich šŸ˜ Wish you same! šŸ™‚ And DYOR as always. šŸ™‚

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