I’m Back It’s Time For FOOD

time for food.png


Wow, it's been a long time since I made a post about Gods Unchained. My last post was in October 2023; I think a bit after the Tides of Fate set came out. I wasn't a big fan of the meta change and I didn't want to buy the cards to try to fit into the meta so I took a break from the game. I just started playing back recently and I did look through the community here for some decks to play. Today, I will be showcasing my spin on a food chain deck but please do give some tips on how I can make it better.


Food Chain Nature


I played a food chain deck that is probably a bit more expensive than the normal ones since I used underbrush boar but you don't really need this card in the deck. I just like it because it's super good at early board presence to stay alive until turn 5 to play Zaskia to draw the two food chain cards.

For this deck to reach it's ultimate potentially, ideally you want to hit Zaskia + Bladefly + Crescent Werewolf/Moonbeam. Ideally, you want to have Crescent Werewolf. The trail begins is in the deck to help draw the Bladefly or Crescent werewolf. This is to maximize the consistency of the deck. My only issue is drawing the Zaskia as that helps find the food chain cards. With Zaskia you basically have 3 cards that can draw to get food chain. I'm actually wondering if there are any cards that can help draw Zaskia that would tremendously increase the consistency of this deck.

The ideal combo for this deck is on turn 5. You want to play Crescent Werewolf and use a mana pip to play Bladefly. This will bring back three mana which you would then use the animal bond god power to summon another wild unit which will refresh one mana. You will be left with two mana to use a double food chain which would give you 3 8 mana units on the board. If you have no choice, then you can use 1 food chain and in most cases you will the game because the opponent won't have an answer so early into the battle. There isn't many board wipe cards at 5-6 mana so you pretty much win at this position.

The rest of the cards are their for the early game or to thin out the deck with the card draws to try to fish the key cards for the combo. As for wildfire, it's a great card to use after getting the combo off as it pretty much buffs your whole board for 1/1 and gives regen 1 while also doing 1 damage to the whole enemy team.



Food chain nature is a fun combo deck to play. I don't think it's the best nature deck at the moment. I did lose quite a few times due to not being able to get the combo. I feel the deck is lacking consistency mainly to get the food chain. Without the food chain, the deck is really weak in my opinion. If you get the combo too late, the opponent has the outs to it.

Anyways I will try to keep playing more. I am now focused more on the sealed mode for the march madness. So far I've had three runs. My first run I had 4 wins, second run 1 win and third run 1 win. I feel the cards I got in my second and third run weren't that good. Sealed is interesting because you just have to make the best deck with what you are given so it is a bit of rng to have good cards to play with. I will probably showcase some future decks I create from sealed. I also want to try the free to play mythic deck that Copperpitch shared from his youtube video a few weeks back.


Thank You

Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment down below with your thoughts!

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If you interested in playing Gods Unchained, you can sign up using my referral code: ZJxNxMskbI on the website here



Screenshots from GU decks

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