My Beginner Journey in Gods Unchained - Chapter 3


This is my 3rd post on God Unchained.

I switch to Light Deck this is the hardest God I learn so far. I got several Card from my friend :

I have a hard time losing many times, derank from Astral Meteorite to Impact Meteorite, after dozens of battles, and changing the deck many times I finally started to understand and got several wins.

I decided to switch to another God in order to learn more about the weakness and strengths of each God. I believe if I can understand the characteristic of each God it will be easier to counter them later if someday I can reach the high rank.

This is my Ranked today, I manage to go back again after down to Impact Meteorite.

Light Deck

My deck link
This is a cheap deck only cost $8.17. From 9 matches my win rate is 66.7%.

This is My understanding of 3 Gods I use so far :

  • Nature Deck, I tried to fill the board with the creatures that I had as quickly as possible and kill the enemy creatures before they can do anything, so I usually excelled at the start of the match. But usually, it will be difficult if the fight lasts a long time, I don't have many strong cards with high mana in my deck.
  • Magic Deck, I'm trying to stall the time / defensive at first trying to unlock mana and using a "draw card" which is roar from creatures / spell to make sure I have enough cards to summon. When it reaches high mana this God can cast high-level creatures or spells, which are very destructive, and can turn from a near defeat into a triumph.

  • Light Deck, It's different from Magic and Nature Deck, For Nature I bring creatures up to 7 Mana, and in Magic Deck, I Bring creatures up to 9 Mana. For this light Deck, I bring creatures only up to 5 mana. Because small and weak creature at first can turn scary with great damage and Health using this Deck. The problem is before these creature turn very strong it takes time, if the enemy floods the board with cards or uses spells to destroy/manipulate our creature, we might lose without having time to put up a fight.

Mana 1-3 we brought :

  • Blind Martyr, if this creature dies, will have an increase of Health and maximum Health by 2 to our friendly creatures on the board.
    This card is very good If we have many creatures on the board.

  • Hallowing Light, this card has 2 choices of ability

    • Debuff the enemy for example if the enemy creature has 12 health u can use this spell, to make the Health change to 2, making it easy to kill.
    • Buff, Give Strength +1 and Health +2 to friendly creature.
  • Felid Janissary, has a buff to increase our friendly creature's Damage and Health by 1.

  • Pacifism, another good debuff creature, makes the enemy's strength decrease by 4. It's safe me from high attack creature several times using this card.

  • Duergar Priest, This card with the right combination can be super strong cards. If creatures/gods from our side or the enemy side restore/heal their Health this creature's health will increase by 1. I will show u what I mean by the battle in the last post or Performance section.

  • The Nemean Lion, every time creature with Roar ability enter the board by our side or the enemy side it keeps increasing this creature's stat damage and health by 1.

  • Watchful Hound, actually I don't understand this card fully yet, I just know, it basically controls the enemy creature, so the enemy creature can not do anything in 10 rounds, the effect will cancel if these creature die. This card I used this many times, to control creature with high damage / has some good buff.

Mana 4-5

  • Imperious Smite, is a useful card to control the board from creature with high damage. Use this card and that creature disappeared immediately.

  • Helios Guardian, Frontline creature with buff ability. After this creature dies, can give +2 Health to our weakest creature.

  • Radiant Spirit, will heal randomly our friendly creatures and Gods who decrease their health.

  • Master of the Mill, another good buff ability will increase our Olympian Friendly Health and maximum Health to +2. Another effect is after this card enters the board, we summoned another creature that creature will get a +2 increase in health.

  • Aegis of the Innocent, this is our flagship card, every time our God and creatures get damaged and do not die this relic will heal the Health by 1.


We have to be as fast as possible upgrading our Creature damage and health using a spell or buff from another creature. The best combination so far uses Duergar Priest and Aegis of the Innocent, with the help of another friendly creature in the board whose health keeps healing, using buff which upgrades the Health maximum stats, it all adds to the health or Duergar Priest. This is our Standard Duergar Priest.

After a long battle using many creatures, attacking each other, buffing our creatures, and healing it each time with Aegis of the Innoncet, this is our Duergar Priest now, with 31 health.

Below is another example of how we repeated using the roaring creatures Ranger Firstbow to buff Nemean Lion's damage and health.

After this I think I will learn about other Gods, maybe Gods of Deception or Gods of War, I always like to play Death if the game has creatures/characters from Death, but I think I will save the best for the last.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment. Sorry for my bad English, and limited knowledge, I will keep learning, so can make some good posts in the future.


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