Copperpitch "F2P" Ram Mage is way to cool !!

Hello gods !!!

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Today was a total rush ! Since i wasted a few days over the final year parties, i had to rush 24 battles today in less then 3 hours to complete all my event tasks, i feel tired right now lol.

But well, i was looking around for a cheap mage deck to build and i end up reading @copperpitch last post about the f2p ramp mage deck. I had no idea what is was about, but after watching the video i really liked the idea, so i went for it !

I was missing 14 cards for this build, but luckly all of them were pretty cheap !


I ended up spending around 3 Gods Token to get all of the cards i need. Thats like 1/3 of my last week reward, so seems like a fair deal for a try out !

Since i could watch only one battle in copper's video, i was pretty unsure how the deck would go againts other kinds of gods and strategies, so i was not really afraid if it didn't work out for me.

When i tried the deck out i did not had the following card :


I tought it could be replaced with another creature, and i decided to go with Mire Bloodworm, Well it was not that usefull over the matches, and i could realize how important Miraculous Familiar was. So i just bought 2 copies of it to upgrade my deck to it's final form.

The F2P Mage RAM Deck


So this is the deck i first tried playing. I must say i was looking for something like this to play. I mean, a deck with a strategy involved, where i must be really carefull specially with my clean up magic. Using them in the wrong time will make you regret it pretty soon.

The start of the matches are damm crazy. You always want those Mana pump cards in your hand early, like the Mana Toad or the Sip of Elixir. If you can get them early you will be able to deploy one of the most amazing cards i have played so far, lol :


Labyrinth Guard is just a damm big Wall. And it is amazing cause he is a "structure" kind of unit. so you can combo him very nicely with Defend the Ramparts. Once you deploy him, you will feel pretty safe already ! After that you just have to wait for your big mana units to finish the game !


Match 1


First match things went perfectly well. I started with Sip of Elixir and Giant Toad. The Bronze Gate was amazing in this match and could waste a lot of my opponent's time. I ended up deploying Labyrinth Guard and my other big units. Match was pretty safe. I was very afraid of War gods... So i got pretty confident after this match. It was a good win.

Match 2


In this match things already went different then i expected. I had no mana pump in my hands. Luckly my opponent started playing a lot of walls, which gave me some extra time to catch up. Still i was not geting any of my big cards. The magic spells were pretty effective on cleaning my opponent units, which made possible to keep carrying the match until the big mana units came out. After they showed up, my opponent had not enought power to clear them, i could finish him safely too.

Match 3


I had the perfect start in this match. Sip of Elixir and Mana Toad. But my opponnent quit on the second round. I was pretty sad... So Nothing much to see here.. Everyone hates quitters =[

Match 4


This is the kind of match my heart speeds up, lol. When my opponent starts deplying cards that i never saw before, i know things are gonna get complicated. And this was not different, i was spamming all my cards trying to clean up the board and keep up the match balanced. My opponent was releasing a lot of cards, and they are pretty hard to dealt. Helian Elite was the MVP here. His awesome stats and protected hability could handle this battle on point. This one is worthy to watch !


This deck is probably my new favorite deck. Even i had to grind for more then 30 matches today, i just want to keep playing more and more now that i have it, lol. Thanks again to @copperpitch for sharing this one. I do loved the playstyle of this deck, and it showed more powerfull then i ever expected. It is definitely a good pick for a cheap mage deck if you need one to farm your daily flux ! I will play more of it over this week, and i hope i decide to go with it in the weeked event ! This deck is fun, strong and very cool to play 10/10 IMO so far !!! It still has some minor differences from the original one, but it still rock !!!

Thanks everyone for watching and i hope you enjoy the gameplay !
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