(Ranked Highlight) Getting Insane Value with Golden Curse

The Game

This was a rollercoaster of a game with that back-to-back Surprise Delivery to Golden Curse draw. Without those, this game would have ended quite terribly for me as you can see I was running out of steam really fast and he would just make a better board and kill me later on. That ending also put in the nail on the coffin to finish the game right quite as well.

My List


I am not really quite confident yet to run this deck during the weekend rank event, open to tips on how to improve it. This is just my fun aggro deck I run during the weekdays to up my points for the blessing of the gods' event. I would probably put in more card gaining units like Patient Pickpocket if I were to get them.

Hope you are having a good New Year!

Feedback would be much appreciated as I am still new to writing this type of content ✌️!

PeakD Referral
Gods Unchained Referral

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