Gods Unchained - Searching The New War Meta

Hello Gods Unchained Fans,

It has been an exciting week in Gods Unchained with the new set out and everyone scrambling for the top new cards and seeing what will be the new meta.

After seeing the post by @kstreet, the fomo kicked in and I started trying to buy everything and ran out of GODS tokens now! Luckily, I have kept playing and still been earning a few each day that help go towards new cards.

I am usually earning at least 2 a day unless I have a really bad day like last friday when I just couldn't win anything! I have managed to reign in my fomo a little and try and focus on what is good for my war deck and have so far added two new ones along with Commander Pyros who is proving a worthy addition:

Both of the new set addition have Manasurge which, although they are low cost cards, if you play the manasurge amount, it gets activated and they have an extra buff, which makes them pretty awesome and powerful!

Claw and Fang do an extra 2 of damage and Scale Dance summons 2 extra blitz monsters which makes him quite powerful. I have at the moment only one of him in my deck, but once I get the GODS tokens, I will add a second as he seems very meta.

With the new additions, it has helped me cruise into Auric Gold where I want to try and make some upgrades to get me into Solar Gold next.

My war deck is still pretty cheap at only $8,83 with the changes and will probably need boost to get me into Solar Gold.



Today's Battle - Searching The New Meta

In this week's battle, I dispose of a Midrange War deck.

1 Mana

I play Skeletal Hoplite.

2 Mana

He gets taken out and I play Bladecaster.

3 Mana

A tricky Tartessian Battlemage is played by my opponent. I buff Bladecaster and bring out newly added Scale Dance who is only 2 mana cost to finish the job.

4 Mana

My opponent plays Sign of Strife who is easily taken care of by my Tavern Brawler.

5 Mana

My opponent brings out his Bladecaster and Mountain Watcher. I use a spell to remove Bladecaster. I am not sure if I should have removed Mountain Watcher here instead of going for his god.

5.5 Mana

Time Watcher is buffed with Redfume Serum. It is time to take it out.

6 Mana

Out comes Commander Pyros. I love this guy. Buffed with armor too. Luckily I am prepared for such situations with Archangel Bruiser to the rescue. That was good timing.

6,5 Mana

My opponent is struggling now without control of the board and plays only Lykaios Postulant. He is taken out and I bring out another Strix Conscript.

7 Mana

My opponent comes out kicking with the awesome Wolf-Cult Vanguard who takes out Strix and Valknir. He then plays Gariel, who has noone to buff. I remove her and play Guild Enforcer. It's all over!


I am starting to find some nice fits with this deck. It still has some weaknesses if things don't pull right and it can be frustrating. But generally it is fun to play and can hold its own so far.

I still need to test my new meta additions and see if they improve the deck, but so far they look pretty good and could help me pull back later in the game where I don't keep the board control.

Weekend Ranked Update


My weekend ranking results were worse than last week with just 8 wins from 18. I really need to do better and I played on the friday where it somehow seems tougher at first.

My Collection and Earnings


Since my last update, I have now reached level 258(+4) and have 123(+9) shadow cards and 457(-7) meteorite cards. My collection value has increased and is worth 3767 (3766) GODS tokens and value in fiat of $801($755) which has increased a little!

I have put a few of my cards on the market to try and get some ETH for the new Tides cards and hope that a few more might sell soon.

How has your week in Gods Unchained been?

Thanks for reading/watching.

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