Tides of Fate card Evaluation and Commentary. Part 3 LIGHT.

image.pngAnother healing card for the domain. And there is a lot of healing packed in this zero mana. Not much to say here but it changes a lot.OKAY
image.pngAgro heal creature, it's possible to build a synergy with Duergar Priest, Engaged Healer. Add in Aegis, Sern, new heal cards, buffs and see how it goes.OKAY
image.pngAn excellent draw option, my first thought is putting it into a Chosen Coronet deck. The card lets to delve a necessary spell from the deck, it's indispensable.GOOD
image.pngAlmost every deck tries to run cards that help with mass removal of 1 health creatures. Also the blitz keyword suggests that the Vespid is expected to trade in with enemy board and wouldn't multiply much. This card needs buff to 2 health to be viable, or to 2 strength to be good, or lower cost to 1 mana.BAD
image.pngA very decent card like Safeguard for Light. Should we expect war-like relics with big strength in the future? Or is it just the Blade and Ritual Rod?OKAY
image.pngA more powerful version of Generous Aid. Adding two Surgelights and a Generous equals virtually unlimited healing. It's seriously overpowered and can substitute for Heal godpower when taking Summon Acolyte.AMAZING
image.pngHmm Light has lots of good spells to delve from. Probably wont get triggered more then one time before removal often though.OKAY
image.pngAn improved and upgraded version of Venerable Gryphon earns the card an uprank from "trash" to "bad". Same deadend as Hawkish Sculpture and Distracted Conductionist.BAD
image.pngAggro heal card meant to combo with The Circle to deal a lethal hit. Hard to tell how well it would work in practice. I guess relatively well.OKAY
image.pngA better version of the neutral core card Wetlands Ogre. Wont be played much in top decks, but it's good to have it existing.OKAY
image.pngThis card will be mostly used in heal-maxing decks with Blade relic. If it had frontline would have been playable.OKAY
image.pngI'm thinking about this creature buffed by Lysander's Spear or Serene Blade in classic control. Can find no fault in the idea.OKAY
image.pngSo let's consider that most of Light domain Atlanteans are not good, and no new ones will be released almost ever. The best are neutral Atlanteans that very few people are playing in a Light deck. And this is a removal option for it.OKAY
image.pngOh that. Well I wasn't expecting this when I heard about the new expansion. I wonder what will a Light optimised decklist look like a year from now? Five years from now?GOOD
image.pngI think this is most synergetic with Aegis of the Innocent. An option to draw cards as Light is always welcome, finally there are some being released.OKAY
image.pngDependent on the relic. Protected and ward is nice, lack of frontline is what makes this card no good. And it's a bit too early mana for the condition fulfillment.OKAY
image.pngAnother dependency of the Blade of the Creator, version of Excommunicate. It's not bad for what it's trying to do, though excommunication is not meta at the moment.OKAY
image.pngI think by this point in time the card has rightfully deserved the "point and laugh" treatment from the community. This card that would be passable at best at two mana cost, is taking a dishonourable place as the worst card of the Tides of Fate set.DOUBLE TRASH
image.pngDislike. At eight mana the six/six bodies don't make a gamechanger anymore. Frontline is nice, but not great. Would get removed by a three mana new Deception card.BAD
image.pngI don't think there's any point in trying to determine a ranking of this card, separately from Blade of the Creator. If you run the expensive legendary relic and all the dependent cards, this epic is a wincon, if not, then it is unplayable.UNRANKED
image.pngAlternative lategame healing. Not terrible as a card, not the best with existing meta lists. Brings back memories of old Zealous March healing up to 24 for 8 mana.OKAY
image.pngAnother stats manipulation removal for the domain. The effect is decent, lategame board swing. If used on a creature with ward, becomes outright good.OKAY
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