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My second week playing Gods Unchained!

I finally reached my second week playing Gods Unchained, I'm starting to get used to the game and the opposing decks, I even managed to maintain a good rhythm of playing but I stopped playing one day, which will certainly delay my goal of acquiring new cards.

My Win rate was 52.83%, and I played a total of 53 games, well below my ideal goal of 70 games per week, the day I didn't play affected this a lot, I even downloaded the mobile version for sometimes try to play some games outside the PC to improve this number of games a little.

I discovered a really cool website that shows the value of my collection, I left its link at the end, and based on it, my NFT collection is now worth $2.86, with 23 meteorite quality cards and 1 Shadow.

I'm at lvl 27 and I finished this post at the Auric Gold rank, I'm starting to adapt to this rank, but I'm still counting a lot on luck to win matches at this rank, so I'm varying between the Midnight Shadow and Auric Gold ranks.

My deck

I changed my deck a lot and went back to its origins a little, I'm not using some cards I bought like Lykaios Adherent and Enduring Shield, the first one I should test again, but the shield delayed my game several times so I'm going to leave it out. for a while.

Deck Code



I bought a lot of things this week, like 2x Skollkin Valkyrie, 2x Tavern Brawler, 2x Lykaios Adherent, Skollkin Valkyrie being the most expensive card I've bought so far, costing around 2.5$GODs each, next week I should add it to buy Valka's Captain I think that he will make a good difference in my deck at the beginning of the game thanks to the relic he summons.

My Loot

A quantidade de Packs continua diminuindo, para essa semana foram ao todo 7 packs, contando com os do evento, de destaque veio 2x lendarias, 2x epicas, ambas as lendárias não serão utilizando tão cedo no meus decks.

Tambem consegui farmar cerca de 1,298.83 Shards nessa semana uma media de
185.54 Shards/Dia, esses shars me renderam 10.778$GODs nessa semana com uma media de 1.53$GODS/Dia, se comparar com os ganhos da semana passada tive um aumento percentual dos Shards de aproximadamente 19,77% e e dos $GODS foi aproximadamente 24,39%. poderia ter sido bem melhor se eu tivesse jogado no domingo.

Next moves

I shouldn't change much in the next few days, as I'm going to hold onto tokens to buy the epic card Valka's Captain, other than that I'm trying to increase the number of matches and play more focused on the weekend event.

Useful sources and links:

Site Oficial:

Weekend rewards spreadsheet:

weekend reward status:

Collection Value: