The General's Army


This is my Amazon deck submission for #Amazonsunchained! An army of Amazons under the command of their fealess leader: General Orythia.

The Deck



I'm still working to collect these cards, but this is my take on an all-rounder Amazon deck. It has the usual payoff cards

  • Arkmonian Onslaught
  • Myrto's Daughter

Supplementing those are an army of 1-3 drops. Amazons are all about sticking, and right now, they have two main strategies for sticking:

  • Ward
  • Hidden

With this deck, I've gone for more ward. Riverjumper Captain isn't terrible even when played on an empty board (not great, just not terrible). She counts herself as an amazon, so is a 2/4 minimum with ward. I went with Barksworn Protector as my other warded creature opting to take the extra HP rather than Spellcatcher's blessed. In a spell/magic heavy meta, I'd probably take them both.

At the 3 mana slot, I went with Hunt Warden over the hidden Barksworn Ranger. Hard to say which is better. Hidden is better if you have a buff ready the very next turn, but otherwise, I think the extra HP is probably slightly better.

Agrodor Protectors are the best option at 4 mana, but there are some cards from the next set that will clearly be better. They do help protect your pixies and small creatures until they can get buffed.

Pack Stalk

Of course, I included it. With this many cheap creatures, it's easy to dump a bunch and then Pack Stalk into a buff on the same turn.

Chiron + Boars

Chiron: Relic removal + Shieldbearer effects. He goes in every nature deck.

Boars: best 2-drop in the game? It goes in.

General Orythia

The idea here is similar to aggro Light decks running Zealous March. If you haven't won the game at 5 mana with a buff, the General gives you one more out to potentially pull it off. It's good on an empty board, but 1 or 2 other amazons already on board is game over.


Thanks to @jungleboy1 for putting on this competition and card giveaway (link). Good luck everyone!

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