Weekend Ranked - First Time starting at Mythic!

It's time for the weekly routine - playing for the Weekend Ranked event again. In the last week, I started at Twilight Shadow and got 21 wins with Relic Zoo and moved up to Ethereal Diamond during the weekend - you can read about it here. This time, I started the weekend at the Mythic rank where all the big boys played. Pretty intimidating, especially after reading about how many de-rankers there were. Regardless, I decided to give it a go to see if I would get crushed.

At the start of the Weekend Ranked event, all Mythic players get their ELO reset to 1350 in order to ensure a level playing ground for Elite prizes section of the event. This meant that all the top players started the weekend at the same ELO making for a highly competitive matches.


To my surprise, I didn't do too bad, ending my first 25 matches with 16 wins, or a win rate of 64%. Not too shabby for a first Mythic weekend, which should give me 1 Core Rare pack, 3 Core Epic packs, 1 Divine Order Rare pack, and 1 Divine Order epic pack. A little bummed that one more win would have bumped me up to getting a Divine Order Legendary pack, but I'll try again next time!

Deck Overview

I modified my deck a little from my previous post, placing a few more meta cards that probably helped tip the edge in a few matches.


Deck Link: GUDecks

The main changes that I made to my deck are the inclusion of 2 Expectant Chickens and a Respected Jarl while removing a Guild Enforcer.

Untitled design (15).png

I felt like the inclusion of Expectant Chicken powered up the deck even more in the early game due to the utility of the spawned Chicken Egg.

Untitled design (16).png

The Chicken Egg that is spawned can be the target of confused creatures and Selena's Mark (Nature God Power: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy creature and heal your god for 1). On top of that, it can also be a target of Out of Its Misery after 2 turns, which effectively nullifies the detrimental effect of Out of Its Misery. I now know why the Expectant Chicken costs ~144 USD just for one card - it has a lot of utility as a 1-cost unit!

Respected Jarl felt a little underwhelming in this deck, especially since twin strike does not allow you to hit the opponent's god twice in a turn. In the case where I have a big unit that wishes to trade with an opponent creature, Respected Jarl allows me to deal extra damage to the opponent's god for free. I think Respected Jarl will shine more in control decks, but it does well enough for me to warrant putting in one copy.

Opponent Decks

Opponent DeckScore (Wins / Total Games)
Big Beasts Nature9 / 11
War1 / 4
Magic0 / 3
Zombie Death1 / 2
Board Wipe Death2 / 2
Deception2 / 2
Light1 / 1

These are my scores against my opponent decks for the 25 weekend ranked games. The large number of Big Beasts Nature decks makes this deck shine as can be seen from the score of 9/11 score above. (81% win rate)

This deck also seems to have no trouble dealing with Board Wipe Death as long as the game is over before they get access to their board removals. On the other hand, Magic decks are a hard counter to this deck due to their ready access of early removals like Starshard Bolt (Deal 4 damage to an enemy creature).

With other War decks, it often comes down to who obtains early board control. Once board control is lost, the game is usually over.

Concluding Words

I had a lot of fun in my 3rd Weekend ranked and am looking forward to the next one! I think this Relic Zoo War deck will be a mainstay in my Weekend Ranked deck repertoire. See you guys next time!

If you enjoyed reading this, do consider giving me a follow. I've been having a lot of fun with Gods Unchained and am trying to write content about it regularly.

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