[ES-EN] 👊🏻Neutralize 🔥"Helian Elite" with 💥"Watchful Hound" and win - ⚜️El Cholito Santo⚜️


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Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Gods Unchained", hoy estoy jugando un mazo "Aggro Light" y me enfrento a un mazo "Control Magic" jugado por "BrokensnoW".
Greetings to all the "Gods Unchained" community, today I am playing an "Aggro Light" deck and I am facing a Deck "Control Magic" played by "BrokensnoW".


Mano inicial

Mi primera tarjeta es "Militant Theist", una "olympian" cuyo rugido dará +1/+1 a una criatura amiga o -1/-1 a una enemiga.
Mi segunda tarjeta es "Humble Benefactor", otra "olympian" con "Echo" cuyo rugido dará "+1 health" a una criatura amiga.
Mi tercera tarjeta es "Venerable Paladin", una "frontline" con "armor 1" cuyo "afterlife" dará todo su “armor” a mi criatura más débil.
Y mi cuarta tarjeta es "Call of the Light", una mágica que agregara "3 acolytes" en mi mano.

Starting hand

My first card is "Militant Theist", an "olympian" whose roar will give +1/+1 to a friendly creature or -1/-1 to an enemy.
My second card is "Humble Benefactor", another "olympian" with "Echo" whose roar will give "+1 health" to a friendly creature.
My third card is "Venerable Paladin", an "armor 1" frontline whose "afterlife" will give all its armor to my weakest creature.
And my fourth card is "Call of the Light", a magic that will add "3 acolytes" in my hand.


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"Asterius, Glittering One" da impulso a mi equipo.

Lanzo esta criatura legendaria con "frontline" para dar +2/+2 a mis criaturas que solo tienen 2 de poder de ataque,
logrando reducir la salud del dios mágico a 4.

"Asterius, Glittering One" boosts my team.

I cast this legendary creature with "frontline" to give +2/+2 to my creatures that only have 2 attack power,
managing to reduce the magic god's health to 4.


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"Inferno" devasta a mis criaturas.

Me lanzan esta tarjeta magica que hace 5 de daño a todo mi equipo, acabando con 5 de los mios y dejando solo a
"Asterius" con 1 punto de vida, quien después es eliminado también.

"Inferno" devastates my creatures.

They throw this magic card at me that does 5 damage to my entire team, killing 5 of mine and leaving only
"Asterius" with 1 life point, who is then eliminated as well.


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"Ember Oni" recupera la salud de su dios.

Después, mi oponente hace ingresar a esta criatura con "leech" y "burn 2" cuyo rugido hace 2 de daño y
agrega "burn +2" a todas las criaturas, recuperando 7 puntos de vida en total.

"Ember Oni" regains her god's health.

Then my opponent enters this creature with "leech" and "burn 2" whose roar does 2 damage and
adds "burn +2" to all creatures, restoring 7 health points in total.


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"Unbound Flames" hace arder el campo en llamas.

Nuevamente despejan la arena con esta tarjeta mágica que hizo 4 de daño a mi dios, pero como activaron su
"Empower" hizo 4 de daño a todas las criaturas del campo también.

"Unbound Flames" sets the field ablaze.

Again they clear the arena with this magic card that did 4 damage to my god, but since they activated their
"Empower" did 4 damage to all creatures on the field as well.


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"Serene Blade" llega para proteger a mis criaturas.

Logro usar esta reliquia para dar +1/+1 y "ward" a "Kadmos, Son of Lysander", "Empyrean Pacifist" y "Inquisitor Informant".
Ahora tengo 3 criaturas que están protegidas contra ataques mágicos.

"Serene Blade" arrives to protect my creatures.

I manage to use this relic to give +1/+1 and ward to "Kadmos, Son of Lysander", "Empyrean Pacifist" and "Inquisitor Informant".
I now have 3 creatures that are protected from magical attacks.


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"Watchful Hound" me abre las puertas del triunfo.

Juego esta criatura cuyo rugido da "order +10" a "Helian Elite", último obstáculo para terminar el juego,
permitiendo así atacar a su dios con mis criaturas restantes y ganar el juego.

"Watchful Hound" opens the doors of triumph for me.

I play this creature whose roar gives "order +10" to "Helian Elite", last obstacle to finish the game,
thus allowing me to attack their god with my remaining creatures and win the game.



Aunque no tuve la ayuda de mi reliquia "Serene Blade" al comienzo, pude resistir y llenar el campo
con criaturas débiles y conseguir impulso con "Asterius" para hacer mucho daño a su dios.
Después pude colocar "order" a "Ember Oni" y parar así su habilidad "leech" que sana a su dios.


Although I didn't have the help of my relic "Serene Blade" at the start, I was able to hold out and fill the field.
with weak creatures and get boost with "Asterius" to do a lot of damage to his god.
Then I was able to "order" "Ember Oni" and thus stop its "leech" ability that heals its god.


Mira la batalla

Watch the battle             


Mi mazo

Te dejo el código de mi deck para que lo puedas probar en tus batallas.

My deck

I leave you the code of my deck so you can try it in your battles.



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Si aún no juegas "Gods Unchained", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Gods Unchained" yet, you can sign up with my link.


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