Budget Deck Guide!


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Six CHEAP Decks!

What's up everyone, today I've got a TON of budget friendly decks for you guys curtesy of my teammate [8M]Hpain!

I played all 6 lists on stream the other day and had a fun time doing so. All played in Mythic, all against Mythic competition. Removing the Death deck (which went 1-2), I went 5-1 with the other 5 domains! Some decks were $40 and beat $1000+ decks, so that felt pretty nice. 😎

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My Favorite List

Of all these lists, my favorite is Aggro Light.


Sern is possibly the most insane value you could ever get from a single card in Gods Unchained, so any deck involving Sern: I'm interested.

I've also recently gotten over my fear of playing Chaining of the Gods which has a million ways for things to go horribly wrong if you don't get the ordering right. It feels incredibly strong for 4 mana!

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The order you "Pick Two" options in is the order in which they will resolve, one at a time. So make sure you take into account the first effect when thinking about what will happen with the second effect, or you may very well end up destroying your own creature, buffing an enemy creature, or both! Many times I've seen people do one effect that is then reversed by the latter effect, wasting an entire turn and card on literally nothing!

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All the Lists

This video was sponsored by AQUA.xyz and Hpain's article with all the lists and what cards you can buy to upgrade the lists can be found on their site here:


Hope you guys enjoy these lists! And if you're in America, have a nice holiday, and if you're in the rest of the world, enjoy your team doing better in the World Cup than my team.😄


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