Tides of Fate: WR Results, Packs, Buying and more

Tides of Fate was recently introduced. In this post I will talk about what did I do and my previous WR Results.


First of all, I saved up enough for a Booster Pack, and I got Illusionist Outlaw!
This card costs around $4 Right now(which is higher then pack's price.
But, I guess I sold it too fast, ouch...

I didn't realize that the Fleeting illusions were 3/4 creatures.

Fate Packs

Besides that, I also got some good rewards from the first WR pack. I sold a few cards that seemed way too overpriced, and it was a good decision! Sampler Archive is now $0.2, and most of the cards obtainable from WR/Sealed are getting cheaper.

I think selling Fate cards really fast is the best way to gain profit(unless they change the card text), since they will be pilling up.

Weekend Ranked

This weekend was a total opposite from the last weekend. I started from Ethereal Diamond Rank, but after losing to a bunch of Deception and War control decks, I found myself back in Auric Gold. But,

I was able to obtain a Fate pack, and it contained:


A nice card! Scale Dance is $1.5 when I wrote this post, and I sold it pretty fast. Even though it is a nice card, I don't have much control cards to play it, and the price will be lower, if you wait.


Kstreet's post here helped me a lot, and I was able to snatch a few nice cards. I didn't have much budget to use, but I got some cards:



Not much profit now, but we'll see how it goes..


Meta is against Aggro Light now, so I think I will play less on following weeks. But I love the new cards, even though I probably won't get most of it.

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