Out with the crew stacking clips for a full part. Shooting skate photos and finding local spots. Plus building a DIY spot!

I worked hard for this kickflip front crook on this ledge. It wasnt easy because There was a sharp corner of that wall and I had to pop out before getting to it. Everyone else handled their clips right away but had to sit around and wait for me to land this. There are worse scenerios but I dont usually enjoy when that happens. The clip turned out alright!


We had a photographer on the scene one session, and he set up his lights and such. It was great! we found a new spot where the benches were modular and we got to basically set the spot up with the benches however we wanted.


There is one trick i can do pretty well, and thats kickflip. The other is crooked grind haha, you have probably figured that out by now. Doing old faithfuls makes the session fun for everyone. Learning new tricks can become a lot of work.

We headed to another spot and of course I had to ollie something really tall again. People like to see me ollie high stuff, so why not.


The photos turned out awesome and its always a perk to have a photographer on the session. his name is Ricky Korducki. He emailed me the photos.

Here is a photo of the whole crew that day. Me, Grady, Shane, Jeremy, @ky1e and Elijah. Photo taken by Dana Pizza.




I went to the library to look at architecture books for making buildings in the game. I saw a cool section about how they design buildings to encourage the public to interact with the architecture. this is what we do as skateboards all the time. i loved to see it.



Making a spotbuying cement

I think i am going to call this DIY spot "The Skatehive" and I am going to paint the skatehive logo there.


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