TWS Crew Topic - Pull Out Your 3 (Episode 10) by Lawrence Velasco Jr

Welcome back to another episode of 'Pull Out Your 3'. Yeah, this kid is one of the most improved skaters of our crew week by week he always executed and pulls a new trick. In this episode, I wanted to share with you how Lawrence Velasco Jr pull out three tricks in a single row. Lawrence pulls out the Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind on the ledge after that he pulls out the Backside Ollie 180 and the Halfcab Flip.

Not A Perfect Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind

Lawrence failed to land the Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind on his try.

A Perfect Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind And Not A Perfect Backside Ollie 180

On his second try he finally perfectly land the FS Ollie 50-50 Grind. After he lands it he pushed his deck and then he tried to land a BS Ollie 180 but he failed to pull out.

A Perfect Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind, Backside Ollie 180 And Halfcab Flip

On his third try he started to land the Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind on the ledge he perfectly land that trick.

After he land the Frontside Ollie 50-50 Grind he pushed his board and in a blink of an eye he pull out the Backside Ollie 180. He finally pull out two tricks in a single row and I thought he is done but he was not.

After he pull out the first and second tricks in a single he pushed his deck a little bit and I don't know what is the third he really wanted to do. Without hesitation, he really pulls out the Halfcab Flip and he really perfectly lands that trick.

I also provided a GIF format to watch how Lawrence Velasco Jr pulled out his three tricks in a row.

P.S.: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

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Best Regards, @toffer

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