My welcome post "Slappyer" skatehive community

Hello my friends I made a video talking about me and skating some tricks in our diy skate project.
I am from Madrid, Spain
I´ve been skateboarding for 16 solid years and skateboarding is my passion,
Also I like to travel and discover the world, do sports, art, and learn as much as possible.
As a skateboarder I see things different and live and skate at my own way.
Skateboarding reminds me you have to effort to get things in life, fall and get up
also it´s a therapy when you have bad moments because it helps you to focus on the board for many hours.
Definitely skateboarding make skaters super strong humans and that creates a big skateboarding communities like this one around the world.
If you guys like this kind of videos I´ll talk more about me and I´ll show you more skateboarding
and much more stuff.
All the tips earned on this community will be invested to be active on the community, to make more skaters grow
and also to create content for my blog!
Thanks to my friend @adriuff for introduce me on this community and thank you guys
for having me!
I see you guys

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