"Crypto Skaters" Issue #9 featuring @elvlogxpasta

"Crypto Skaters" is a new skatehive.app exclusive series. Each week we interview one member of Skatehive community, ask a bunch of questions about skateboarding, life and their involvement with crypto and web3.

In this issue we invited @elvlogxpasta, skateboarder, film maker member of Skatehive since 2021


Hey @elvlogxpasta, welcome to "Cryptoskaters"

  • S'up man, I've been reading this series, is sick!

Can you tell us a few things about you?

  • I am 31 years old, I studied system engineering but I didn't get a degree :/ and well, I like technology.
    I am from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. From the municipality of Lerdo de Tejada Veracruz. Currently I dedicate my time to jobs that come from painting houses to selling things.

What's you background with skateboarding?

  • Well, my first experience with skateboarding started as a child at 6 years old when my mom told me to make a homemade skateboard but that didn't really work.From there they bought me a plastic and it's wheels broke and melted haha. After that, at the age of 12, I was able to get a skateboard on my own and it was equally low quality but it worked a little better for me. And then I didn't skate until I was 15 years old at high school, I was able to get my hands on a decent skateboard thanks to a loan from a neighbor on the block. The deal was to pay him daily until I covered the debt of 1200 pesos and that's how I got my first quality skateboard. I don't remember the brand very well, I think it was an Element skateboard with wierd trucks, I don't remember the trucks brand. With that skateboard I officially started skating and that's how the addiction to skateboarding began.

Goofy or Regular? / Grinds or Slides?

I skate Regular and I prefer Slides, I practice Slides more but Grinds are also fun.

Favourite Skater and video part?

  • My favorite skater, who motivated me a lot in high school, was Bam Margera in his "Elementality vol 1" video part.

How did you get involved with crypto and why?

Well I got to know cryptocurrencies because a friend mentioned that they existed and out of curiosity I investigated alone. My first contact was with faucet websites where I got my first Satoshi for free and learned how to move this type of balance and make it effective.

How did you find out about Skatehive?

  • Well first I found out about Hive blockchain thanks to my friend
    "Elvlogdedaniel" and published my first post about skateboarding without expecting anything. Then @knowhow92 commented on that post and invited me to the Skatehive.

Kickflips or Heelflips?

  • I like Heelflips better

heelflip - elvlogpasta.gif

In your opinion, how can Web3 change skateboarding?

  • Thanks to web 3.0, many creative skaters can be made known, where each one blogs in their own style, showing the progress and fun of this sport, motivating them to improve themselves and level up. I also think it changes and complements the way skaters roll and blog cause skaters can share their unique style and art, motivating themselfs to be the closest thing to a sponsorship where skaters are in contol (self-management)

Any Web 3 communities you're part of and wanna mention other than Skatehive?

  • Right now I'm only at Skatehive man.

What should we expect from @elvlogxpasta this 2023?

  • I hope I can make more dynamic videos of the tricks I want to land and also visit new places and skate them.

Any last words for those reading or anything you wanna mention?

  • My last words for the readers are to encourage themselfs to skate and blog their progress not for the rewards but do it for the fun that comes with skateboarding and to see how far you can improve yourselfs while sharing your skate life moments on the Hive blockchain, which will be marked for the rest of history in the web3. Together we will forge skate legends yo!

@elvlogxpasta ripping at the local DIY 👇

Thank you all for checking out this week's "Crypto Skaters" and big ups to @elvlogxpasta for doing this interview! Awesome times!

New interview dropping on 04/26/2023 so stay tuned and...


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