Quest for Stoken - Retro Gaming on Hive!

Hello Hive Skaters,

I was a Skater when I was younger plus a gamer and the first skating game I remember playing was Skate or Die on the ZX spectrum. I was also keen on BMX Simulator which had some cool jumps you could take your pixelised bike over too.

I was therefore pretty happy when I heard about the Quest for Stoken game and played it a few months back and quite liked it. It is a platform game in a retro style and you have a skateboarding character that kinda jumps around and skates.

As I haven't played it for a while, I thought it would be good to go back and see how the game is progressing. I quite like platform games and some of the retro ones that come to mind are Rainbow Islands or Superfrog. However, I was never particularly good at them, but they were fun to play for a while.

Quest for Stoken is pretty easy and fast to play. There are only a few controls that you need to learn. On my QWERTZ keyboard, shield is actually C and not Z and I was using Z to attack. I picked that up pretty quickly again with the first few levels in the game.

Ths was something I was hoping would be able to play with a controlpad and I have one plugged in ready to go, but this doesn't seem to be implemented yet, so I stuck with the keyboard. It is more retro anyway.

This time I managed to get much further than when I tested the beta some time ago. Here you can see me battling the UFO and dying at the end of this level. Sometimes my slashing him was not quick enough and I would lose some health.

I continued on my quest and managed to vanquish him. Little did I know later I would have to do battle with 3 of them at the same time! One thing I really like about the game is the flow it has and you can jump between different parts of the street, on some of the background objects and the rail tracks. It makes the game more realistic.

One of my favorite things is to slide down the stairs ramp that you can see here. Doing cool stunts with your board is really cool. I made a short video of it.

I also made this shorter gif version too. As you are a talented skater in the game, you can also ride up the ramps too which is cool.

Here I am skating above a speeding train. I like to live dangerously! 😀 You can also see the airplane flying by in the background. This reminded me of seeing parallax scrolling for the first time in games back in the day. The game is blocky enough to give you that retro feeling, but far more advanced with lots going on to give you that gameplay buzz.

Beating bad guys and collecting my tokens gives you a nice feeling and just avoiding to take damage can sometimes be tricky.

Greece is the furthest that I have gotten so far. Here Zeus is happily sending his lightning bolts at various places and are more obstacles to avoid. This was my second go today and I managed to take 8th place on the leaderboard.

I see I need to do more practice though as the top 3 have over 200k in points compared to my meagre 22k! Quest for Stoken is actually a play2earn game and you can win from the prize pool which is pretty cool.

If you like skating and retro platform games, Quest for Stoken is for sure worth checking out. You don't need to buy any starter kits, jpegs or tokens to play. Just head over and login with keychain and play! I even played without logging in first, but it is better to login and get your scores on the leaderboard.

Thanks for reading.

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Quest for Stoken in game images from source. Title image created using source.

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