How to reach more people with your SKATEHIVE posts

Yo Skatehive fam 🛹

@Knowhow92, proud member of Skatehive Team and life-long skateboarder here.

We've seen many new faces joining our Web 3 community the past few months and we long-time Hivers know how confusing things can get at the beggining so I thought I'd share some insight on how to reach more people with your Skatehive posts.

How to reach more people with your SKATEHIVE posts

Are you new on Skatehive and you don't see many votes or comments coming your way? Are you confused on how to attract more people to your blog? Worry not as I'm gonna tell you 3 secrets that will help you raise your numbers and make your Skatehive journey easier.

Hint : The more people you reach the more rewards you earn so pay attention...


1) Post INSIDE Skatehive Commmunity

If you're using Skate Hype app (recommended) then you don't have to do anything, all your posts are automatically shared inside the community.

On the other hand you'll have to manually do that if you're using other Hive front-ends like Ecency, Peakd, etc. to post your content in Skatehive.

In order to post inside Skatehive you'll have to subscribe to the community itself first (created/hive-173115) and then choose Skatehive as the community you want to post in.

Example For Peakd Users

Example For Ecency Users


Example For Hive.Blog Users


Posting inside Skatehive community will drive more traffic to your post since that's the place people search if they feel like watching skate content.

2) Post Quality

Like every social media platform, content quality is the key to be successful so here are a few tips to make your posts look awesome

Short and Sweet

Content consumers hate to loose time. If someone clicked on your content to watch skateboarding then show them that.

Don't use long and boring video intros before the trick, don't spam your viewers with info they don't care, just show them skateboarding and that's it. Less is more as developer @miguelurbina says.

Use Markdown

Markdown makes posts look beautiful and people love a good-looking post. Try to break the monotony of your post by adding some "sauce" on your text (Bolds, Italic or both).

Take your Time

Don't rush to post, this will lower quality. Instead, take your time and make your post look good, make sure you have no typos and always think as a content consumer before you hit the "Publish" button.

Would you enjoy watching/reading your new post?

If yes, then go ahead and publish. If not take your time and make the necessary changes.

My latest Skatehype post was in line with all " Post Quality Rules" I talked above and generated $31 worth of crypto rewards. Not bad, right?

Markdown + Short & Sweet Text

Engage with the community

Let's be honest, no one knows or cares about you when you join a social media platform unless you with you actions make them know you or like you. What's the key to success???


Engagement (comments and replies) is vital to your account's growth. You need to get yourself "out there" and start communicating with people if you want to get recognized inside our community.

Skatehive is a community and the word community comes from the Latin word commūnitās, meaning “joint possession or use.” In Skatehive we all share a common passion for skateboarding so go check out other people's skate posts and if you watch a cool video or read a cool skate blog make sure you leave a comment!

That's a win-win for everyone since you are getting some eyes on your account, you make the author happy and you help the community grow!

Rule of 5

What I like to do is to go to Skatehive Community at least once a day and leave a minimum of 5 comments in posts I liked. I've been doing that consistently for months now and the results are 15 comments on average bellow each one of my Skatehive posts

Try that and thank me later hehehe!

16 comments in my latest Skatehive post

What's Skatehive?


@Skatehive is the house of Web 3.0 skateboarders and our goal is to onboard skaters and "extreme" artists in the blockchain world.

What makes Skatehive stand out of other skate communities is the fact that our community members are earning crypto for their skate content by posting it on decentralized and uncensorable platforms such as Hive and Odysee. This means skaters OWN their online presence and no one can take down your content.

Skatehive Team recently launched Skate Hype (available in both iOS and Google Play), an app allowing skateboarders to post their content inside Skatehive Community and earn crypto with just a few clicks.

We also have a lively Discord Group with over 600 skaters from all over the world. Skatehive Discord is the best place to start your crypto-skateboarding journey so click on the invite banner and join the fun

Join Skatehive Discord 👇

Thank you all for checking out my post and let me know if you enjoyed it at the comments section bellow.

If you want to learn any additional info about Skatehive make sure you join our Discord or leave a comment with your questions.


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🏡 Hive: @knowhow92
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