"Favourite Five" #5 featuring Kyler G, Caramelos Tour, Matt Militano, Ryan Thompson & Carlos Zarazua

I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!

I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week.

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Hopps Skateboards – Kyler & Friends

What makes a part awesome is not just the tricks, it's where and how you do them.And then it's the editing that ties everything together. Well, Kyler G. new Hopps Skateboards part everything is just PERFECT!

Kyler's style is great, spot and trick selection are epic and editing couldn't get any better! You definitely should not miss this one

Caramelos Tour feat. Lebron, Dos Anjos, Elfving, Maul & Arens

Legend Dani Lebron joins forces with Titus skateshop team and they shred around the beautiful seaside city of Alicante,SP.

Vacation vibes, dope team, amazing filming and perfect spots, that's Caramelos Tour ladies and gentlemen! Seems like these dudes had a great time!

Matt Militano in Veil

I've mentioned "In Veil" video in a previous "Favourite Five" post so the moment I saw a new "In Veil" part online I knew it was gonna be good! And hell yeah, Matt Militano didn't dissapoint!

His bag of tricks is ENORMOUS, his style is effortless and skates like he improvises his lines while filming! Dude is just floating on his board! This is a part you're definitely going to enjoy

Ryan Thompson's "Texas Three Step" Step One Part

I'm a BIG fan of Roger Skateboards and I'm an even bigger fan of Ryan Thompson! Guess what?!? Ryan skates for Roger so I freaking knew this part was gonna be legendary!

Ryan's got everything! Style, speed, flow, pop, creativity, he's one of the most "complete" skaters out there right now in my opinion and this 100% shows in his latest video part Texas Three Step!

This is definitely the best skate video I've seen this week hands down!

P.S. His style reminds me of @web-gnar and both shred hard hehe

Carlos Zarazua Krysp

There's no-one in this planet who can do better Bs 5-0s and Bs Lipslides than Carlos Zarazua and his latest part called "Krysp" definitely backs up my statement hehe!

Carlos shreds every ledge that comes across his way in Los Angeles area and delivers some face-melting combos! Bs 5-0 Lazer out?!? Bs Lip To Sw Fs Crooked Shuvit out?!? Bs Lip 270 Shuvit to Bs Tail?!? Carlos, you're on another level dude!

Enjoy watching

That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!

Much love and...



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