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"Favourite Five" #15 featuring PURI, Emilio Dufour, Bronze TV, Taylor Kirby and Palace Skateboards

I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!

I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week!

Check them out


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PURI: Where have all the flowers gone?

I just love watching skate videos filmed in small countries with unknown spots and "PURI" video is exactly that!

A dope crew of Ukrainian skaters bombed every single hill in Tbilisi, Georgia, toured us around the city spots and showed us their own perspective of this uknown city! Such a sick skate video, these guys are freaks!

Emilio Dufour's "Out Of Office" Vans Part

This is probably my favourite part that came out this week, Emilio Dufour absolutely killed it at the streets of Buenos Aires and Montevideo!

This dude has everything! Emilio's "back to the roots" style, powerful tricks and amazing spot selections as well as dope filming and editing makes his "Out of Office" part such a masterpiece!

Don't miss this one, it's a must watch! Enjoy

Bronze TV Channel 56 8/17/23

If you've never heard of Bronze 56k you're missing out but hey, it's your lucky day cause they just delivered their new video "Bronze TV Channel 56 8/17/23.

Filmed in the streets of NYC, Bronze crew not only delivered some banger tricks and banger spots but also brought a smile to my face and a feeling of nostalgia while watching! Their edits are just so freaking good!

Have fun watching yo (you will)

Taylor Kirby's "Spitfire Wheels" Part

Every single Kirby part is a blessing from the skate gods and his new "Spitfire" wheels one is no exeption to this rule, 5 minutes of pure street demolition at some of the most weird and sketchy spots you'll find around LA.

Really refreshing to watch Kirby do some ledge and manual combos in between his BANGERS, felt really refreshing and daaaaamn that last boardslide was NUTS!

Thank you Kirby 🙏


I can't believe it's already been 2 years since Palace skateboards BEYOND THE 3RD WAVE video was released! This video introduced me to Palace epic team as well as unique taste in skateboarding filming/editing and was waiting like crazy for a new release!

Well, guess what?!?...

Palace just delivered their new 38 min full lenght called BETA BLOCKERS and oh boi it was just so FUCKING GOOD! Jahmir Brown's OG style and big pop, Heitor De Silva's lay back style, Lucas Puig's insane ledge combos... I could type a ton of words about how awesome this video was but there's no point, just check it out and thank me later hehe!

P.S. Even though I love Palace skate videos I don't really like the brand itself! Everything's so over priced! Hoodie for 160$?!? Come on...

That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!

Much love and...



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