"Favourite Five" #10 featuring Akwasi, Eugene Choi, John Shanahan, Brayan Albarenga, Ben Gore & Jesse Narvaez

I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!

I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week!

Check them out


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Akwasí for Sci-Fi Fantasy

"OH MY GOD, WHAT THE F*CK DID I JUST WATCH?!?" was my first though after watching Akwasi's new Sci-Fi fantasy video part!

The way Akwasi skates looks so good, his spot selection was simply amazing and his bag of tricks... oh his bag of tricks is really unique!!! Who the hell does Cab Flip Fakie Manual?!?

Don't miss this one, dude is blessed by the skate gods

Eugene Choi – Gerittyu

This week has been amazing in terms of creative skateboarding parts and one example is Eugene Choi's 'Gerittyu'. This kid is good!

Great spot selection, beast flip in grinds/slides game and music as well as filming/editing is on point! You can clearly tell this guy has tons of fun while he's skating!


To celebrate his 1st pro model shoe with DC John Shanahan delivered a 7 minutes long video part and god damn he is on fire! So stylish, so technical and sending stairs and big gaps at the same time! All-terrain champ!

Probably one of my favourite skaters of this era, G-style John Shanahan absolutely killed it in his 'Double Up' video part. Enjoy

Brayan Albarenga – Yuyu

I was lucky enough to skate together with Brayan a few years ago in Barcelona and trust me, camera doesn't give justice to how chill this guy skates!

I really enjoyed watching his new videopart called 'Yuyu', lots of famous BCN spots in there, great music selections and as far as tricks...Brayan murdered every spot hehe!

His Noseslide and Tailslide game is on another level...

Ben Gore & Jesse Narvaez MAGENTA "Just Cruise 2"

Couldn't be a real 'Favourite Five' issue without a Magenta skateboards video part right?!? Hahaha! That's right and this time Ben Gore & Jesse Narvaez travel us through the streets of France their own way, the skateboarding one!

Ben Gore is one of the most stylish and one of my personal favourite European skaters, his pop and the way he does his Kickflips is pure art but that's what you would expect from a guy named 'Ben Gore', sounds like an artist's name alright haha!

As far as Jesse's skating I really enjoyed his Noseslides variation, sketchy street style and good vibes! That Noseslide to Bs Tail on that double curb was a thing of beauty!

Have fun watching yo

That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!

Much love and...



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