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Life keep Going mfk!

Que pasa perros to lo bueno?

Been a week now.

Desde la última publicación hemos estado en completo estado de aislamiento y evitando a toda costa ser sonado ser arrestado o estar en listas de los buscados, ya que en las calles nos hemos visto involucrados en ciertas acusaciones debido a los actos de vandalismo ocasionados.

Since the last publication we have been in a state of complete isolation and avoiding at all costs to be arrested or to be on wanted lists, since we have been involved in certain accusations in the streets due to the acts of vandalism caused.

Sabiendo esto, ya tienen una idea de porqué no he salido en ánimos de hacer ninguna toma. Sin embargo ayer decidí irme hasta lo mas remoto del pueblo y realizar un graffiti.

Knowing this, you have an idea of why I haven't been in the mood to do any shooting. However, yesterday I decided to go to the remotest part of town and make a graffiti.

Hermanos, ayer salí a hace un Graffiti y grabé el proceso sin embargo por dificultades técnicas no he podido subirlo.

Brothers, yesterday I went out to make a Graffiti and recorded the process but due to technical difficulties I have not been able to upload it.

Éstos son los trucos que hice mientras contemplaba la calle y el resto de el paisaje.

These are the tricks I did while contemplating the street and the rest of the landscape.

Ésto fué justo en la entrada de el pueblo así que cualquier persona al entrar lo verá.

This was right at the entrance of the village so anyone entering the village will see it.

Manos la situación acá está totalmente deprimida tanto así que no podremos usar el WhatsApp supuestamente jajajaja.

Manos the situation here is totally depressed so much so that we won't be able to use WhatsApp supposedly hahahaha.