Skating a crazy-deep 16' MONSTER BOWL pool was frightening... and fun!

Back in the late '70s, skateboarding was booming and there were lots of skateparks being built.

Lakewood skatepark was one of the best of that time because it was one of the first skateparks to feature real pools, with real tile and coping.

Lakewood was also known for having the Monster Bowl - a 16 foot deep massive pool that dwarfed anything else we had ever seen.

Here's a photo of this crazy behemoth.


I rode this bowl and only have this one photo of myself getting to the tiles and almost a one-wheeler.


This was definitely one of the craziest bowls I've ever ridden. It seemed like it took forever to get to the top.

Can you imagine having to bail at the top of this bowl - and we didn't even have very good knee pads!

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