Unpopular Splinterlands Opinions: No matter how much money Splinterlands gives it's players people will still complain.


Friends, Splinterlands is the kind of opportunity that comes around once in a decade. It's not only the single best TCG many of us have played in years but, because of blockchain technology, it's doing things that would be impossible for any other game in the space. For example, just last night Splinterlands started airdropping vouchers to be able to take part in the current presale event for their next set Chaos Legion.

What this means is that, if you own any splinterlands governance token SPS, you'll be dropped daily vouchers you can use to buy the new backs before they fully release! Not interested in the new packs? No problem, you can literally just sell the vouchers on the Hive Engine marketplace and right now their price is more than $20 each! How do you get those SPS tokens? Just own any Splinterlands asset at all. Any cards, DEC, skins, LAND, really anything! If you are taking part in Splinterlands in anyway you've been getting daily SPS airdropped for the last 83 days!

So what we have here is a game that pays you to play it, pays you to own it's assets, and is airdropping assets that are hyping and making it easier to get their next set before it releases.

So, it's suprising to me there are so many articles and forum posts this morning asking "Is the voucher event worth is?" or flat out complaining that the event is some sort of ripoff.


In some way I have to believe this is more of a problem with people and their expectations and not something inherently flawed within the Splinterlands system. Splinterlands is the dream come true, a game that pays you to play it, offers free starter cards, has a polished app, is clearly not a scam, and updates their community on what they are working on in weekly AMAs. Hell, they are even hiring for gods sake!


Friends, the voucher event, which is dropping literal free money into our wallets and will for over a month is worth it. So is the global SPS airdrop event that will be dropping SPS into our accounts for about nine more months. I feel confident to say there are events coming we know nothing about that will also be worth it.

This is mostly because the idea that being given free value without even having to log in is clearly worth the value being handed out. The issue here is not that the airdrop is not well designed, functioning correction, or massively profitable to players. The issue is ...

The Locust.


I've wrote about The Locust in the past.

The Locust are a class of players unique to Play2Earn gaming to whom nothing will ever be good enough, fair enough, and who are very very bitter. The thing that really riles Locust up is how people who have invested in splinterlands and play it daily earn more than those who do not. To The Locust the best way for Splinterlands to advance is to give all it's value directly to the Locust, anything else is bullshit.

Now, if you have two brain cells to rub together you are quickly going to notice that this doesn't make any sense at all. One of the Locusts favorite saying is how if Splinterlands doesn't do XYZ it's clearly going to fail. Well, friends, Splinterlands is growing and booming by nearly any metric you pick and the design that we are getting seems extreamly well thought out.

Splinterlands clearly has a bright future. You know who doesn't? The Locust. Winter is coming and it's a bad time to be a person who is looking for a reason for everything around them to be against you.

This is the time to make plans, execute then, meet new friends, group up, pool resources, and build your future! Ladies and gentlemen, don't pay too much attention to the locust, they wont be here much longer.


Are you looking to hang out with other Crypto-Gamers? Join us over at the The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up!

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics

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