[ROLLERCOIN] Season 1: +735% returns? Don't mind if I do! = MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW PLAYERS


As a CryptoGaming veteran, when I see an opportunity that looks seems way too good it gets my attention. This isn't the 'too good to be true' in a dishonest way that we sometimes see from shady yet to be released projects I'm talking about here. This is the 'seems unbalanced' type window that show's up in these spaces and then quickly closes.

For example, remember in those early days when Splinterlands had just released SPS and staking it would get you 400%+ APR? Those are moments worth doing all you can to get every single second while you can.

Guildmates, I believe we are in the middle of one of those moments and I wanted to reach out to you about it. Sometimes when a new income source releases they want to make sure it's successful right away, so they make sure it will be. Right now RollerCoin is in the early weeks of it's very first season and, if you buy and fully level the currently offered Event Pass you get a straight up hoard of items.


If you remember the recent announcement that RollerCoin will be releasing it's marketplace expansion and these rare event items will all be resellable for the first time evert the scope of this opportunity really comes into focus.

To be specific, +735% more value than you paid for and, in a game based around creating and maintaining the ability to make crypto every 10 minutes for the foreseeable future, that is straight-up amazing. This does not seem dialed in to me and seems like the kind of thing you see once or twice while the developers are figuring out what they can realistically offer long-term.

This event pass costs 150 RLT (~$150) and, among other rewards, gets you 35 RLT (~$35). Those other rewards are the substantial amounts of mining power, boosts capable of lasting A WEEK if properly maintained, and the type of 'first ever offered' cosmetic objects tend to multiply in value over a projects lifespan.

I've been very open about why I think RollerCoin is something that literally everyone would benefit from even just downloading, creating an account in, and forgetting about for a few months. People underestimate this project constantly and the ability to be making ANY amount of cryptocurrency every 10 minutes automatically for the foreseeable future is clearly amazing.


Don't wanna play the minigames? Fine. Don't. You still get energy and therefore free money if you own even a single miner. The 1000 satoshi in BTC you get for signing up get's you started on that project right away.


Friends, this is very likely the single biggest no-braining in all of CryptoGaming and I'm not going to keep sounding this alarm. If you want to get ALL the items out of the Event Pass you are going to want to get started ASAP to complete the quests to level it up. This will take y ~2 hours a week, no problemo, but you don't wanna miss many more weeks of quests.


RollerCoin is a perpetual profit engine and there has literally never been a better time to sign up. And once you have head on over to The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are growing quickly and even just announced our first major public event!

You can read more about that here: The CryptoGaming Guild is Recruiting!

The games The Guild is currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics

Do you think there is a game in the space we should know about? Please let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading yall, take care of yourselves and each other until we meet again!

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