RollerCoin - One Million Rollers Update - New Miners!

For those who might not know, RollerCoin is a long running cryptocurrency mining simulation that pays out daily. You can use this game to mine BTC / ETH / DOGE or the games token RLT. All things considered I see RollerCoin as a great part of the Play2Earn ecosystem that finds itself located somewhere a minigame arcade and automatic faucet.


Recently, RollerCoin celebrated it's millionth user by having a sale including new miners. This is huge news as the event miners in RollerCoin are more efficient than the ones normally on offer and the last major sale was DOGE only. Many of us have been stacking RTL for months waiting for the opportunity to spend it and improve our mining rooms. There are three new miners, which is fantastic, because it means there is something at everyone's price point. I was able to pick up Milly (33 RLT) and a MiniMilly (13 RLT). There is also a top shelf miner called the RollerMillion for the event of while only 1500 are on offer (with a hard limit of 10 per account)
for a whopping 333 RLT.


I think a lot of people are sleeping on the opportunity that could come to RollerCoin when miners and racks gain the ability to be resold. This has been mentioned a few times in developer updates and there is currently a small and easy to miss button with no functionality ... yet.


If you are looking to stay updated and on the cutting edge of the Play2Earn scene please come and join us over in The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up.

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics

I hope this is helpful and you were able to learn something today!

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