How to Win at RollerCoin and Life

My name is M3ss and I'm here to help you win.

I've been playing and writing about RollerCoin for roughly a year now and, somewhere along the way, I seem to have become a whale. While I'm on 1500th in the power rankings RollerCoin is a system that pays out cryptocurrency every ten minutes, playing or not, forever. Over the past year I've been taking all my earnings and poured them back into my mining room.

How's that going? Let's take a look!


Not too bad, huh? I've been able to completely fill my first room and, while they aren't pictured here, I even have a handful of miners running steadily in Room 2. This means that with very minimal financial investment I've built up a a very respectable mining rate that's multiplying itself by 58% due to the variety of my miners! What has that earned me? First let's look in my wallets.


Again, not too shabby! I've got a very decently sized bag of Bitcoin and smaller bags of other top tier cryptos like Etherium, BNB, Polygon, and even some DOGE. I have 100% of my mining power set to produce Bitcoin and have no plans of changing that. While I love all cryptocurrency there is still nothing I want a fat bag of more than Bitcoin and RollerCoin is helping me get there!

How? Well, if you read this far, I think you deserve to know.

First, it's not from dumb bullshit like the Task Wall. Avoid that trash at all costs in not only RollerCoin but all projects like this.

Next, it's not from completing the seasonal quests. Though I have no hostility to those tasks.


Nothing about this is a problem, it's just the path the game is training you to take. When a path is laid out like that it's worth questioning if perusing it directly could, or should, work. There is nothing wrong with completing the seasonal quests. Just buy the rewards in RLT.

Friends, the way you win at RollerCoin is by writing about the game. I've been studying this system for over a year and poking it in different ways to learn all I can about it and the real power is in doing what you can to earn active referrals who enjoy RollerCoin like you do.

Take a close look at this next screen:


As I mentioned earlier I have all my mining power set to produce Bitcoin so how am I earning roughly $50 in RLT each week? I'm earning a small percentage of the winnings from those who I've referred to RollerCoin whenever they earn crypto or make purchases. This means that every time RollerCoin releases a new lootbox or starts a new season I earn a payday. This is all money that is in addition to the Bitcoin I'm earning every ten minutes due to my mining farm.

How much am I earning, well ... a lot. Why? Again, my name is M3ss and I'm here to help you win.

The ONLY reason my 133 referrals in RollerCoin are earning me any income is because they have stuck with the project, play it daily, and are earning money of their own. I think it's fair to say that the articles I write on all manner of cryptogames helps give my followers an advantage that helps them along in these projects.

In short, I'm winning because you are winning. The money we earn in these projects is money we earn together and victory here means benefit for all of us. If you want to achieve great things do what you can to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and with the right folks. Speak of great folks ...

Are you looking to hang out with other Crypto-Gamers? Join us over at the The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up!

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics
Dr. Who Worlds Apart

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