How to SALVAGE RollerCoin Season 2 - Dark Star!

Just 10 more days of RollerCoin Season 2 Dark Star and I feel like I've done the impossible. I've figured out a way to view this last season of the event as something other than a steaming turd! You're going to need to read to the end for that little gem though.

First off, let's clarify where we are.


As you can see from the countdown timer we've got about a week and a half left of the Dark Star season and most of us are very ready for it to end. For pretty much everyone I've talked to Season 2 was a pretty big letdown after the 'maybe too good' Season One. There are a variety of problems but really the only one that matters is this:


AS of this season RollerCoin has been demanding that we play 4 of it's worst games over and over again to gain EXP. As the final quest in the chain is to complete all the other quests this means hundreds of games of minigames you might not enjoy to level up. To most players this was viewed as a losing proposition and having the same quest repeating week after week has just been a total drag.

I've been playing 2-3 games a day and have considered RollerCoin to be in a kind of idle-mode while we wait for the new season.

But then, I clicked a button and found something interesting.


You know, as an event Dark Star has been trash but as a simple coupon offer to get all the items it contains for a simple 200 RLT well ... from that perspective Dark Star is kinda amazing. The items here aren't bad and because the quests have been so broken near no one is going to get these miners. That means that'll be rare and, with the Market coming to RollerCoin in Season 4, that means profit.

I thought this was worth mentioning and, before we find out more about Season 3, I wanted to mention it.

Are you looking to hang out with other Crypto-Gamers? Join us over at the The Crypto-Gaming Guild discord. We are looking for game captains and folks who can help organize. If you are interested, please step up!

The games we are currently focusing on are:
Rising Star
Neon District
Alien Worlds
Lost Relics
Dr. Who Worlds Apart
Journey To Godhood
The Transmission

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