Pages from My First Herbal Grimoire


In search of inspiration for my current magical endeavors, I found myself flipping through the pages of my very first grimore and reflecting back on the person I was then. In those days (cerca 2016) I wrote down every little bit of information I could find and photo copied anything even slightly relating to witchcraft and herbalism. Back then I had no smart phone and very limited access to the internet, and now that I have both it is very informative to read through these pages and see my craft slowly grow from the inspiration of my daily life with no electronic influences.


I wrote these words and painted with watercolors when I was traveling through Central and South America. My life was so chaotic and out of my control but, I had one thing for certain - a constant connection with Earth.

Of course, we always have a connection with Earth - the place we live, the place that provides everything we need and a constant flow of inspiration.


While volunteering on a farm in Costa Rica a Christian Witch gave me a mystical almanac full of exactly the information I searched for. I cherished the book so! At that time in my life cherishing a book meant cutting & pasting and making the words my own. The passages about Astro-herbalism, Apitherapy, and homemade remedies decorated the pages of my first ever book of magic(k) and medicine.


Alongside the pages of mystical practices can be seen quite practical ones too. In equal parts I practiced in the spiritual realm as I practiced magic in the physical by planting seeds, creating composting systems, and helping out in the permaculture farms along our journey.


The particular article really intrigued me. At that time I had heard a bit about gardening by the moon phases. Following the moon through the constellations while planting and harvesting accordingly was totally new to me! This added another layer of fun and magic to my budding herbalism practice that continues to grow even today.

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