Republicans enter Congress with record number of women after putting up diverse slate of GOP candidates

So much for the dems’ narrative that Republicans are racist and sexist (once again the dems are projecting their own sins).

Remember-the democrat party is the party which created the KKK & Jim Crow laws, opposed civil rights, literally walked out of Congress rather than vote to give Black people the right to vote, & whose 2016 presidential candidate (Hillary) was officially endorsed by the KKK (David Duke was no longer their leader) & had close proven ties to them & other white supremacy groups (she even referred to DEMOCRAT Senator Robert Byrd-who was a proud & outspoken LEADER of the KKK-as her FRIEND & MENTOR at his funeral). (remember Hillary's referring to Black people as "ne'erdowells" & "superpredators", not to mention she & Bill's direct ties with the KKK?) And whose 2020 candidate (Biden) created the law that resulted in the MASS INCARCERATION specifically of Black people – often times for their first offenses, and often times for crimes that were not even violent (and President Trump REVERSED this law, freeing a great many Black people who were victims of Biden’s racism); and is a segregationist as he actually adamantly opposed and fought AGAINST desegregation (he actually said that desegregation would turn schools into a “racial jungle”!). So the party is the same racist party as it's always been.

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