Absolute Taste


Absolute Taste : The ability to identify the unique characteristics of the taste of each element that makes up a food when it is tasted.

Minho graduated from university and attended culinary school to become a certified chef.
He got a job at a restaurant that year and has been working as a chef ever since. He's still a low-level employee.
He washes dishes, prepares ingredients, and cleans the kitchen.
As a kitchen assistant, I do all sorts of things that the chef and kitchen staff ask me to do.
However, when I see great chefs on TV, I tell myself that I will reach the heights one day.

Growing up, my parents were foodies and enjoyed traveling to restaurants. They took me with them and exposed me to delicious food
I was exposed to delicious food and prided myself on having a good sense of taste.
I thought I would become a chef later in life.

Every day after work, I would watch cooking programs on TV and practice cooking to improve my skills.
In my fifth month, Kane, the head chef, calls me into his office.
His co-worker, Cheolsoo, is also there.

"Cheolsoo and Minho, are you working hard?"

Minho replies. "Yes, I'm working hard. I'm learning a lot."
"I see."
"We're going to have a cooking test for the new kitchen staff. Prepare well."
"Depending on the results, you'll get a raise. And this is your chance to cook."
Minho thought that this was a chance to get away from his miscellaneous work and actually participate in cooking.
He will take the cooking test in a month.

His competitor, Chul-soo, has a strong sense of elitism because he went to a good university. He's good at flattering his seniors.

COVID-19 is coming to an end.
Minho coughs loudly and repeatedly.
"koff koff ..." Minho is not feeling well today. He has a fever.
He goes to the ENT to get checked and is told he has COVID-19.
Minho spends a week at home taking medication. Despite being sick, he continues to practice cooking
practicing cooking. A week later, he goes to work at the restaurant.

When he brings ingredients to the restaurant's food storage, he is scolded by his senior for bringing spoiled ingredients.
'No matter how I smelled it, it didn't look spoiled,' Minho thought.
Minho was worried that Amure had also lost her sense of smell due to COVID-19.
He went to see an ENT doctor. The doctor ran a series of tests and told him that he had lost his sense of smell due to
that I had lost my sense of smell due to COVID-19. He said he didn't know when it would come back. I was heartbroken. I was worried about my future as a chef.
I'm also worried about my cooking test next month.

"But I can't give up here," Minho thought.
Minho practiced cooking every day after work.
He trained his palate to identify and discern the flavors of different ingredients.
His parents' flavor tours as a child helped.
If he lost his sense of taste, he would have to stop being a chef.
For his palate, Minho had a few rules. Never drink alcohol.
No smoking. Never eat too much before bed.
Drinking, smoking, and overeating are all things that ruin your taste buds.

As a child, his father took him on food tours to get a taste,
and with the help of his father taking him on food tours as a child.
Minho finally became the owner of an absolute sense of taste.

The day of the cooking test arrived.
The head chef called everyone together at quitting time.
He announced the start of the cooking test.
Competitor Chul-soo sneakily grabbed the best ingredients first.
Minho did his best to choose the ingredients and prepare the food.
Today's test is to cook the same dish at the same time.

Today's dish is "Duck Breast Steak"

  1. fry the butter and corn on the cob in a pan, then blend the corn, whipped cream, salt, and sugar (in small amounts) in a mixer to make a corn puree.
  2. boil the potatoes, drain them through a sieve and add butter, milk and salt to make mashed potatoes.
  3. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into small dice and the cherry tomatoes into small pieces.
  4. Sauté eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes in olive oil in a saucepan, then add tomato puree, dried basil, salt, and sugar to make ratatouille.
  5. Remove the silver skin from the duck breasts, make a slit in the skin, and season with salt.
    season with salt.
  6. Place the duck breasts in a cold pan and cook slowly to sear.
    (This is the process of draining the fat from the duck at a low temperature to make it lighter).
  7. Cook the duck in the oven at 180 degrees for 4-5 minutes.
  8. Add the asparagus, tomatoes, and garnish to the pan where the duck was roasted.
  9. Add the blueberry sauce ingredients, bring to a boil, strain, and add the butter to thicken the sauce.
  10. Arrange the finished ingredients on the plate to make it look pretty.

During the process of preparing each ingredient, Minho used his taste buds appropriately to bring out the best flavors.

Chulsoo could never beat Minho in terms of taste.
After tasting each dish, the kitchen staff voted, and the votes were overwhelmingly in Minho's favor.
The head chef also tasted each dish and chose Minho's dish.
Cheolsoo conceded defeat cleanly and said to Minho

Minho continued to cook hard, sticking to his principles for the sake of taste.
Since then, he has risen to prominence, appearing on TV cooking programs and becoming a celebrity chef.

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