Behind the door


Poverty, hmm.. They say it's a state of being poor, lack of money.

The village of Yahshink was a blessed and prosperous land, filled with people who owned a lot of properties. This land was ruled by a King. Who right fully owns everything in the kingdom. My family were regarded as the peasants. A lowly social class member in the society. We own nothing, as we work day and night on Kings farm lands. People sees us as rags, even though our clothing were clean and presentable enough, but still my family still kept that bond.

You could hardly differentiate a church rats from us. Oh! Yes that's how poor we were. I was the fourth child out of six children. Some were palace guards, because of our debts. All of my family resources was focused on the first son, my elder brother, In his education. My elder brother was in the university studying civil engineering in the city. He had that dream of coming back home and build a very big house in the village and send us back to school. I've always dreamt of that day. Father would always send him numerous of letters but my elder brother always answer few of them. Sometimes it sadden my father.

One afternoon, my whole family was outside of our hut, receiving fresh air and having a family chat. Not when a black thick SUV car drove into our compound.
At first, we thought the King has sent the police to arrest us or we're been called on, but the SUV car came alone without any envoy, unlike our King. It parked right in front of our compound, our eyes was fixed on it, waiting for the door to open.
What on my mind was. "Who could be inside?"

After a minute, the car right door gradually opened, followed by the other doors. Four huge men stepped out and followed a defensive pattern. Who were they protecting?

My Father's eyes was still wide open filled with anxiety, I could sense his heart beating and his blood boiling, my mother fasten her wrapper, as my brother hold firm their foot wears ready to run. Suddenly, a white shoe stepped out, and then the man came out, dressed in a white attire. He turned towards us and say." Papa I'm back."
Was this my brother, I said to myself. I was shocked with is new appearance, we couldn't recognize him. My brothers ran towards him and hugged him so tight, like they have seen and Angel, his scent got stuck to them. He then walked towards my parents and embrace them, tears of joy fell out my parents eyes, accompanied with a smile. He looked at me and placed his soft palm on my cheeks and said. "Bianca, you have grown beautiful." Those words left my heart melting.

Now I understand that money can transform one's personal wellbeing. He was here to take us all to the city, he didn't want to draw attention from other's.
It was my first time going to the city. And with what I've heard about how beautiful the city is. It's so true. We got to his house and my eyes couldn't believe that my brother owns a mansion with nine rooms, and he was living in it alone. He already brought us clothes and he was planning on building a better house in the village, he showed us to our room and told I and my other siblings about a room. We shouldn't enter.

Weeks passed, now I'm living like a princess, like a royal blood running through my veins. I was sent back to school to complete high school, two of my elder brothers started a business and the remaining two were sent study abroad. The sudden change of my family status was surprising to others. Many said it was God's blessing or miracle, other's said my brother did a dirty deal, which got him so rich. Well I don't care what they think, but something happened one night that got me worried.

It was 1am in the morning, everyone was sleeping, the cold breeze filtered in through the open windows, upsetting the curtains. The silence stretched, pregnant and waiting. Expecting..
Suddenly, my eyes flew open.

For over a minute, I lay still, wide awake. Despite just walking up. My ears strained against the silence listening for something. Listening for what had woke me up. Silence met my ears, settling over the entire house like a wet blanket.
Then the sound came again. This time o sat up, twisting my head so I could hear better. It was voices. Muffled voices coming from somewhere in the house. Had my brother returned without my knowledge? And had he brought a guest?

There was only one way of finding out. I got down from the bed, hugging my night grown against my body to fight off the chills. I walked out of the room.

In the passage way, the light bulb was dim, the voices weren't any louder or clearer. I still couldn't make out what they were saying. But I could tell that they none of them belonged to my brother. But that wasn't what sent chills down my spine.
The voices were coming from the end of the hallway. The very room my brother had forbidden me form entering. Someone was in there. Was it a burglar? I had to find out.
I began to walk towards the room, down the hallway. As I got closer, the voices seemed to get louder, and I still couldn't make out a single thing. I got closer still, feeling my heart thump furiously in my chest. As I got to the closed door, the voices ceased suddenly. As if they had known I had gotten there. As if they had known I had gotten there. The silence fell once in the house, I had to see this to the end.

So I took the knob, twisted it and pushed the door open. A strong gust of wind blew, pushing me to the floor as the door opened wide, the room was dark, suddenly the light came on, I was scared to go further as the walls of the room were filled with blood stains.
In fright, I ran out, panting. As I tried to catch my breath.
What went through my head, was what business my brother had to do with this?

Now I wished, I never opened the door.


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