Turning things around (fiction)

Mary's life was a story of shadows and pain. She came from a broken family, a common tale in her neighbourhood. Her mother's way of making ends meet was unusual, to say the least. She often sent Mary to collect money from various men, instructing her with words like, "Go and meet T.J, tell him to give you the money he promised." These frequent requests became a troubling routine for her as she was just being abused and used.

Each time Mary collected money from these men, her mother diverted the funds into her business, always prioritizing her material desires and a relentless pursuit of a party lifestyle. Her mother only cared about herself as she urged Mary to follow in her footsteps, saying, "You need to hustle, just like me, to survive."

But Mary's life took a different turn when she met Ife on her way to deliver the message her mother had sent her. Mary walking awkwardly as if she wanted to fall. "What is wrong? You look pale, no matter what you are passing through it will come to pass, don't die before the actual death." Ife retorted

When their conversation deepened Mary confided in ife. She narrated her ordeal and desire to be breakfree. Ife seeing potential beyond Mary mother's path, advised her to engage in the same business as her mother. This caused a rift between Mary and her mother as she couldn't use Mary as she desired anymore.

In order to survive, Mary moved into her own apartment, and she embraced a world of drugs and prostitution full-time, which was influenced by Ife, who had initially advised her to enter this realm. After a while, Mary lost contact with ife.

A couple of years later, Mary reconnected with a long-lost friend who had once suggested the path of prostitution. But this friend had transformed into a different person. She was now a CEO, leaving Mary taken a back how that sudden change was possible.

As Mary looked at her life, she realized that the path she had chosen only allowed her to feed herself, both physically and metaphorically. She began to reflect on her existence, questioning whether change was possible. Could she ever find love despite her tumultuous past with men? Could she build a loving family? Could she make amends with her mother after everything she had done for her in the past? Could she find a way to forgive herself and move on?

These questions lingered in Mary's mind as she sobered up one night. The city outside her window was alive with its usual energy, but inside her small apartment, she battled raged within her heart. She yearned for change, for redemption, and for a chance to break free from the chains of her past.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Mary started attending support groups to leave her world of addiction and prostitution. Ife, her old friend, became her pillar of strength through unwavering support and commitment.

Mary's journey was far from easy, filled with relapses and moments of despair. But as time passed, she rebuilt her life. She found solace in the stories of others who had escaped similar predicaments and slowly distanced herself from drugs and the streets.

As her life transformed, so did her relationships. She reconciled with her mother who had also seen the error of her ways and was attempting to change. She forgave her mother to mend the bonds that had been broken for so long.

In the midst of her newfound purpose and determination, Mary came across a kind and patient man who saw past her scars and loved her for who she was becoming. They settled down later and had kids together.

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