
How I wished I could turn back the hand of time. It really hurts, to know that those who cared most are taken away by the cold hands of death.

I will have just let this slide but I can't just let it go, each passing day I wish I would just wake up to hear that she was not dead. If I was dreaming I would have been glad to have someone wake me out of this dream land. I could not just believe it happened. This is one of many events in my life I could really say has been a storm, not just a storm but a raging storm.

She had no daughter of her own, all she had were three gentle boys not men, she was my mums elder sister, the love she showed toward me and my siblings could not be fathomed. At the time of her death my mum had only two daughters, me and my elder sister.

She loved us whole heatedly, she gave us gifts, she took us as the daughter she never had, she loved us like her own.

You might wonder, but she was your mum sister so the care and love is normal. I say to you, this was something different totally, I had other aunts who showed us love but hers was a different type of love garnished with care.

She was the very first person who bought me different toys as a child, even when my mum saw it less necessary, she had said "if they needed to play, they could play with each other not toys" my aunt would reply "every child needs a toy, you not being opportune to have one while growing up does not mean they should not have and use them".

She visited and spent time with us thou she lived out of town. She brought nice snacks and food to us while visiting. She came along with a lot of goodies, she could not just come empty handed.

Once I was told she was coming, I will wait outside to take her bag, I knew where she always kept the goodies, I won't wait until I am given, no, this made my mum to punish and scold me countless times and also deprive me of having my share.

She loved us through out my childhood till I was grown, we talked mostly on phone, I saw her as my second mother, I loved her humility, I love her for everything. Nothing ever changed even as a grown up girl.

She had promised to sponsor me abroad after senior secondary school for my degree program.

I was hopeful, it will be a dream come true, I had always wanted to study abroad in 'United State Of America' my dream county, I had heard a whole lot about this wonderful country until the storm came. This was not just the normal storm, it was was accompanied with doze of wind and raging waves.

She was not Ill or sick as the case may be, we only heard she slept and never woke up, no one was willing to spit what really happened. Not even her sons could really say what caused her death.

The very day the news was broken to me, I never believed it. it happened like a movie scene. Till her body was laid to to rest, I never believed she had gone to rest at the master's feet. The reality drawn on me after many months of no call and visit.

I had just returned from school, I saw cars outside our house , on getting in I saw familiar faces, getting to the parlour I saw my mum in the mist of some of my aunties wailing, I wondered what must have caused the tears. I checked through the house and everyone was complete, or maybe my grandpa is dead. I had to sneak into the room, only to find my elder sister crying also. "what the problem " I had asked her "Aunt Mary is dead".

I thought my world has just ended, the way I screamed made my mum and other family members running into the room. The word that came out of my mouth was, "this can't be true".

People tried to comfort me but I refused to be comforted, I kept on listing all she had done and what she had promised to do, the more I listed the more the tears increased.

That very day I also got to know that she does the caring and gifting to all the family members, she had a caring heart.

If it was possible for me to carry out an autopsy on her dead body I would have gladly done that. What a cruel world. Like I said earlier, if I could turn back the hand of time I would have gladly done that also.

I lost a future sponsor, a part of me died, notwithstanding I had to pick the pieces of my life and move on, the storm destroyed my boat but I was able to get overboard. It was not easy but I survived.

Thanks for reading.

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