The Patient Dog...

I watched him with keen eyes... This human...

He sat there, refusing to move an inch, legs crossed, his eyes glued to the pages of one of those pile of papers that fascinates the humans. I was desperate, but with enforced patience, I quietly schemed on what to do...

The object of my desire lay across from him, this human, unbothered. I could see it right there on the table, I could even smell it. It was just there, just right there...

I licked my mouth, and swallowed...

I wanted to just go take it. But experience had thought me that the Journey to the Bacon was more than just the distance, so I watched, and I waited...


This lovely Image is by Isefee from Pixabay

Soon after, another human came around. This one had one of those glasses that the humans put over their eyes. I momentarily wondered again why they actually did that, it wasn't as if it made them any better at seeing. Some of them still needed us to even help them walk...

My mind returned to the task at hand. I was pleased with the arrival of this stranger. He could be the distraction which I sought. So I stood up, and in two's, I stretched each of my four legs,... I needed to be ready to move at a moment's notice. But my hope was quickly dashed...

The new human had also sat next to the old one, and they were now making those funny sounds they do when they communicate. The new one human was quite animated, he moved his hands as frequently, and his voice was a pitch higher than that of the old human.

All of these annoyed me. I was hungry, and quite eager to get that Bacon off the table. And now my legs were itching me, why was my leg itching me? I used my teeth to scratch it for a bit... It felt satisfying to do that, so I spent a few seconds on this momentary distraction...

The sight of new human raising a piece of the bacon to his mouth brought all my desires to the edge. I wagged my tail in anticipation, and licked my mouth again. I watched as this human bit, then chewed, and then swallowed. I continued to lick my mouth and wag my tail, this time it was involuntary.

Then new human dipped into the plate again, and another piece of bacon took flight. I let out a short bark. I could not help it. And for a moment new human stared at me, and the hint of a smile began to appear around his mouth. He paused his hand halfway to his mouth, and looked at old human again. Then they chattered like only humans could do...

I waited, my tail still wagging, hoping...

New human placed his hand back in the plate again. This time a bigger piece of bacon took flight, and in my direction too. The new human mumbled something as he threw it, before he started laughing..

I watched it go... That piece of bacon... It seemed to travel in slow motion, towards me... I didn't know when I let out another bark, and then I leaped... But I hadn't stretched this time, and I missed it by just a little bit...

But I quickly steadied myself... turned, and grabbed it. The taste was as I had anticipated.. My tail wagged, of its own accord...

And so we continued, new human and I... he threw, I fetched, and I ate... again, and again, and again... But it wasn't for long... Until that third human whom I suspected owned the place, came with her bundle of sticks, and chased me out.

I was fulfilled though. I knew my window of opportunity was only going to be short-lived. Usually, I needed to wait, and then take the journey from my spot to the table, and then flee after retrieving my bit.

But today fate had smiled on me in the form of new human. I hadn't required much patience, neither had I needed to take the journey..

Tomorrow was another day, another window would open... and I will be there again, my eyes on the piece of bacon...



Prompt: Journey, Bacon, Window

This prompt was a little complicated...

I was not sure what to do with the three words at first. And then I considered an ambush... which felt like an idea at the time... But once I started writing, the image of a dog just took over, and my thoughts ran away with me...

I hope you enjoyed this one.


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