Out of pure heart

The heart is a very important organ in the human body system, without this organ it is impossible to live as a living being. Proper care of your heart makes you a healthy human, the heart is not a physical part of our body that we can see but it performs a great function in human lives. Decision-making is sometimes positioned to our heart, your heart tells you whether to go for it or not, and in the end you choose anyone your heart goes for. There are some people regarded as humans with a heart of gold while some are regarded as humans with a heart of stone. The way you relate with people around you makes them realize the kind of heart you have.

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Advising someone comes with a lot of challenges, sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesn't. Before advising someone, you have to be sure of the stand of such an individual, if the so-called person who needs advice has already made up his or her mind concerning the situation he or she needs advice for then such a person doesn't need the advice. A wise man once told me "Never advise someone who already knows what to do".

I was once in a situation where I had to advise a good friend of mine concerning her choice of man. You can imagine how hard it is to convince a woman in love to do otherwise than what she already made up her mind to do. I have always loved being open-minded with whoever I call my friend but in this case, I had to do what I don't like doing because of the circumstances surrounding her situation then.

She wanted advice concerning a young man who showed interest in her and she liked him too due to some certain qualities she claimed to have seen in him. Before coming to me, she had been fantasizing about being with this young man because it was obvious she was in love. I asked her a few questions concerning her choice such as "the qualities in him that made him attractive enough to her" She felt reluctant to answer because she doesn't know much about him yet but somehow she managed to give me a response that she thinks I should be okay with. " He is cool, quiet, mature, and well-composed," she said. I sighed because I knew she wasn't sure about the answer she gave me.

"There is more to all these qualities you mentioned, I hope you know" I started, "you have to be sure of what you are going into," I said. "Until then babe, take your time to know who he is", I concluded. "I'm sure of him girl, you have to see him" she insisted, she picked up her phone to show me his picture. I was smiling as she was feeling on top of the world, "I can see you are in love " I said. She gave me a blushing smile as she passed her phone to me, I looked at the picture and with surprise he was someone I knew.

At that point, I didn't know what to say or what to do, I tried as much as possible for her not to notice my facial expression. The guy in question once dated one of my female cousins and I can say it wasn't a good experience. "Now a friend of mine is also going into that trap but how will I advise her against it?". This is the question running through my mind, my heart started to race because how can I help a lady who has already made up her mind?

"He is cute, right?" she asked, "what did you say?" I quickly replied I couldn't hear her because I was absent-minded, I wanted to help her but how? "Is there a problem?" She continued. I quickly adjusted myself back to the normal mood before she noticed anything off. " Not at all baby girl, he is so cute and mature as you said" I replied, "I told you and I know you gonna like him" I sighed and nodded my head (in sarcasm) disagreeing with what she said but unknown to her.

My heart kept telling me to let her know what she was going into but I couldn't bring myself to tell her because that would break her heart and shatter whatever plans she had with this guy. I don't have the heart to cause her that much pain and this made me decide to keep the truth about her lover to myself and hope she finds out herself before she goes deeper in love with him.

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