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I stood outside the office's entrance door as I watched him drive in with yet another new car. This time, it was the latest model. I could feel my jaw wide open as I gave a close gaze at him while he was coming out of the car. "Oh my God, I know his fiancee would be so lucky to have him," I said to myself as I couldn't help but imagine how on top of the world I would feel if he were to ask me out on a date.

"Hey Laura, are you going to come inside or do you want to stand out here all day engrossed in your imagination?"? Gloria said as she pinched me and smiled. Forget about the imagination bubble, Gloria; you know busting it is the only thing you can help me with without me having to ask." I said as I walked past her, as though I were upset.

Donald is his name, and he's the CEO of our company. His elegance, smile, and charismatic movement give me a reason to fall in love with him every day. I love everything, but especially his bossy attitude towards his staff and me as his admirer as well. With the way his staff disregards his orders because of his young age, I assume that could be the reason why he's always pulling up the serious face to command the respect he deserves at the office.

I've worked with the company and with his father for over three years before he came in to take over the position of CEO. The first day he got inaugurated, I couldn't help but jubilate over it because it was a dream come true for me. I've always been his admirer. Back when we were in secondary school together, he went to college, and I didn't. I guess that's where I lost him. I never made my intentions known to him because I was a bit shy and timid about the whole situation. I waited patiently for his love, but with each passing day, it felt as though I was waiting in vain.

I felt so disheartened, but I didn't lose hope. I believed he was mind, and as long as he believed in love, I was sure he was going to mine soon.

I could remember vividly the day we had a celebration for the company's end of the year's grand. We had a ball dance together, although it didn't mean anything to him. I felt as though the world had come to stand still for my sake. I could see the love in his eyes, and that gave me courage to wait on his love.
Everything went well at the office, as I gave my best in all the work I was assigned. I left no stone unturned while performing every little task I was given. I did all these things because I had heard Donald tell his sister that I would make a good personal assistant for him. I really took his word to heart; that's why I gave it my all.

A few weeks later, the day for him to declare his personal assistant was here. I had dressed so perfectly because I believed it was my big day, but to my greatest surprise, when it was time for him to call me out, he called out someone else. At that moment, I felt completely shattered by anyone else. It's a casual position, but it was the best ever. I bowed my head in disappointment and turned to leave. I was hoping that if I left the scene in a sad manner, he would have noticed it and asked why. But unfortunately, he didn't notice me; instead, his sister Sarah did. C'mon, Donald, you told me you would make Laura your personal assistant, so what now? I mean, why did you change your mind?" Sarah asked, "Your so naive sister, I was joking when I said that. I mean, there's no way I could have made her my personal assistant. She's my friend, and that's it. You know very well that I don't really consider relationships and friendships serious. I just do what pleases me. So when I told you about making Laura my personal assistant, I wasn't serious." Donald said, "This is not possible, I said to myself. How could this be true? How can he joke around important issues the way he does? I obviously thought there was an important reason behind why he changed his mind. He has broken my heart.

I ran to my office, and Gloria followed me. I couldn't help but cry out of my heart. Enough, Laura. That's enough. Please stop crying. I know you're hurt, but nothing can be fixed if you cry this way." Gloria said as she tried to console me, "You know, Gloria, I'm not really sad that I couldn't be his personal assistant. I'm furious because his very act has set my teeth on edge regarding my feelings for him. If he could joke about important matters like that, there's no doubt that there's no room for love for me; he made a joke out of me.


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