
What is love? How can I define love without the name Charlie?

I never really knew love could be so sweet until I met him. Charlie is the sweetest soul I've ever met; he's my happiness, my joy, my future, and my life. He makes me feel complete and loved in a way I never thought possible.

On that blessed evening, I call it blessed because I wasn't only heartbroken but also disappointed, and the saying "every disappointment is a blessing" came through for me that evening.

It was still the same date, February 14, when I went to visit my beloved, only to find him in the arms of another woman.

John was my first love. He was there for me after my parents died in a shipwreck. I'm sure he didn't expect I would show up out of the blue because I had assured him I'd be out of town till the weekend. I considered him the love of my life, but it seems he made a fool of me. Heartbroken and sad, I went down the bridge. The only thing on my mind was suicide because I felt if John couldn't love me, then no one else would. I was at the edge of the bridge, just about to jump off into the waters and end my miserable life, when I heard someone call out to me.

Charlie. “Piss.. piss.., please Miss, I need your assistance”.

I just tripped and fell, please come help me stand on my feet.

I pretended as though I didn't hear him and was about to let go of the support I had while on the edge, but he screamed out more in pain as he tried standing up on his own.

Charlie Ahhhhghhhghhh, this is too much. Immediately, I jumped down as I rushed off to help him, but accidentally, I twisted my ankle as I landed on the ground. But surprisingly, the young man that was on the ground begging for my help stood up and rushed down, trying to help me fix my ankle.

Charlie looking at me

Sorry, but why would such a beautiful and kind-hearted lady like you want to end her life? Even if no one feels love for you, for the sake of the love you have for others, please just stay alive. Love will surely find you.

I said to him I thought you weren't able to stand how was it possible for you to run?

Charlie “ I knew you wouldn't listen to me if I had used words to try to make you change your mind, so I'm sorry I tricked you and pretended to have twisted my ankle. So you'll help me. You are so kind”

I'm Charlie, and you're...?

As stubborn as I was, I pushed him away after hearing what he had to say. I stood up and tried to walk away but couldn't because I had hurt my ankle.

Charlie “I know you're upset with me, but please, I mean no harm. Can I give you a lift back home?

Don't come near me; I'll manage on my own, "I replied. As I took another step forward, I almost fell, but he caught me and carried me in his arms. And he said, "All my life, I have never seen a fellow as stubborn as you're; even when you're in pain, you are refusing my help.". He took me in his arms down to his car, and he drove back home.

His place precisely , and his place was a beautiful mansion completely furnished, more like heaven on earth. Immediately after I came out of the car, he came to carry me inside. To be honest, I gasped in awe of his kind generosity. I was taken to a clean, furnished room well ventilated with AC.

As soon as he dropped me in the room, he took out his first aid kit, took out a tube of cream, and applied it to my ankle as he massaged it softly. I didn't say anything to him till the day was over, even though he had tried engaging me in different conversations.

He asked if I would love to eat, but I refused and laid back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, my ankle pain was gone, and so I decided to take a walk around the house, although I didn't know my way around. But I enjoyed the view of the environment. I walked out of a corridor passage designed with different paintings, and as I approached another exit, I saw a beautiful pool.

It was so big, but the sight was beautiful. I've always had this aquaphobia feeling; that's why I never loved water because my family got drowned in a shipwreck. So I think of going close to the pool. But seeing it kept reminding me of how my family was begging for help as they were drowning, and slowly I was drawn closer to the pool, noticing I had fallen inside. I was struggling to catch my breath and shout for help at the same time, but it seems no one heard or saw me. And slowly, I was gulping so much water that I started sinking down, and I didn't want to struggle to live anymore because I felt it's okay to let go sometimes.

But fortunately for me, Charlie came to my rescue as he jumped into the water and saved me. He tried his best to give me CPR (chest compressions for rescue breathing), but it didn't work. So he gave me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. And that was how I got revived. As soon as I got revived, I gave him a big hug because of the memories that were flooding in my head.

Charlie ”I just met you yesterday, and look, we've had our first kiss.” I coughed out water, and looking around, everyone was smiling at what he said.

"You love to joke around, right? Why did you do that?" I questioned him rather than being grateful. But he only laughed and said,

"Thank goodness you're fine, Debbie.". He saw my name encrypted in my locket necklace and was so happy he knew my name without me having to tell him.

After this day, our love story began with a beautiful chapter. Slowly, I started growing butterflies for him, and the willing to live was just and always there.

Charlie taught me that love is not just a feeling; it's an action that he never fails to demonstrate or show every day through his words and deeds. It's the little things he does for me that make my heart skip a beat. Love is selflessness, sacrifice, and compromise. It's putting someone else's needs before your own without hesitation.

Love is the sweetest feeling; it is patient, kind, forgiving, and understanding. It's accepting someone for who they are and supporting them through their flaws and weaknesses. Love is a journey that requires effort, commitment, and dedication. It's not always easy, but it's worth it when you find the right person to share it with.

Charlie has shown me what love truly means and just how sweet it could be. I enjoyed every sweet memory with him. I am grateful every day for the gift of his love in my life.

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