Hello everyone, this is my first time in this community, and it won't be my last. Today I'd love to share with you the experience I got as a secondary school student, to be specific I was in Junior Secondary School Two (JSS2) this is how it's called in my country, and as a student mischief and rebellion was the order of the day, and there were two actively quick ways for you to get noticed my your teacher or class mates.

I had a friend name Samuel, we were in the same category of students in our class the lowkey smart guys striving to reach top but I was not really striving my own was when exam comes I would reach the pass mark and move to the next class, Samuel's Parents were not rich but for some reason he always was among the first people to pay dues in school, and know he wasn't a thief, that's what came to my mind at first but I was surprised.

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The thing is that am not saying that my Parents where very rich but they could take care of us all in the family, but when I went to meet Samuel at how, he usually tells me to by something for them to eat that even if it's groundnut he would soak garri, out of empathy I would give to him, wasn't enough I know but that's all I could offer as a child, then this guy would come to school and be paying dues like as if the money was plenty.

I decided to as him, guy how you take dey get all these money sef, he would not answer me saying that am ajebutter meaning softee like all these pampered kids who have sliver spoons, I would tell him not to call be that, that me am ajepako meaning Street kid, yeah my parents do most things for me am a kid they are the ones that are supposed to do it before na, so I thought on till I decided to check my bro out.

On a hot Wednesday after school,I saw him with a very stubborn boy in our school, I could say that every teacher know him, the thing is that there are two ways to be know on it always getting in trouble and do very bad in your studies or be very exceptional good at it. In JSS2 I didn't Carr what teachers said cause I just want that pass mark and boon am out next class, but the guy that my bro was na hanging out with after school was the notorious Emeka, I became afraid for him, wanted to report to his parents but decided to follow and actually see what they were up to.

While going cause the road out of our school was filled it well arranged tress on both sides.

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On getting to the school gate they both took the Bush route and head to a old Mans house which was near our school.
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this man had varieties of fruit tress but he never let's anyone pick them when they get ripe they usually fall of an get rotten, so the reason why my friend went there with Emeka was not still clear but the picture was unfolding little by little, as they were going I mistakenly step on a stick in the ground that broke and it made noise, yeah they caught me, and Emeka started tell Samuel where did he tell the ajebutter where they were going this made me angry I immediately told him not to call me that he then said what will I do if he does, I got pisses cause Emeka was bigger than me let's say among our three that say I was the smallest. The reason I replied him would be that I had Samuel there to fight for me. After much argument they decided to let me stay.

When we got there, the reason was clear and how he got his money. He explained that he sells fruits in Ughelli market and uses his gains for his school dues, I was so ashamed and then decided to help him, this was the first time I saw a child struggling to assist his parents.

As a result of this I decided to help a friend out, and then the universe decided to turn it's back in me, I know how to climb tree on a norm but not as quickly as the two guys I followed, these guys where sharp shooters, one they climb fruits well be dropping didn't want to miss out I cor go climb, I don't even know what prompt Emeka he then yelled Ajebutter nor go break leg o.
Samuel started laughing in fact both if them and boom out guy come out with the old man, on seeing him Samuel jumped and ran yelling my name while running, I didn't see the man immediately then say Emeka in haste I looked down and saw the man under me my heart skipped beats, I said God why me.

He told me to come down and held me my the belt and took me to school, when we got there my principal was till there arranging his files, on seeing the man it's like they knew each other and exchange greeting when he saw he ask the old man it this another one of them I immediately said no sir this was my first time,

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he shakes his head and said choose should I call you parents cause I know their numbers are here didn't want to expose my self so I said no, okay get disciplined in the school assembly in front of everyone, me I know what my mom can do so I immediately took the assembly discipline option, the next day I was called out to point out who was with me cause the old man said he saw two more boys, I just stared at the students and saw Samuels face hr wanted me to call him but on seeing that I just decided not to I kept quite and then got what I deserved. It was hot nor go lie.

But the good things I'd that after that day me and the principal became close not for the fact that I was good in my studies but for the fact that I got into trouble.

Thanks for reading this far hope yiu enjoyed it.

See you all soon✌.

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