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The Strange Music-Inkwell Prompt 107



I wanted to forget everything and move on. "Art always helps and it brings magic to your life" as a good friend might say. So, I needed a painting for my living room because I just moved to a new house, which I just bought. I wanted something both spooky and fun (And later I found out that's what I got). I looked for a painting online, but I couldn't find the one I was looking for. So, I went to look for it in the shops. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything nice that suited my living room. So, I drove around the city until I reached a destination that was not familiar to me. It was an old Bazaar and I never knew it existed. The atmosphere of it was strange. It was like looking at a painting that you do not understand. Or a music that you don't fully grasp.

I went inside and asked around. They guided me to a little shop that sold paintings of the moon. In one of them there was a beautiful woman an on her background was a big moon. Her head was down so her eyes was not painted. The moon had a shadow that was on the woman's face. In her hands, there was a violin. I admired the painting and finally bought this piece for my house.

I invited friends and family to come to my house to have a good time and make some good memories. They saw the painting and liked it very much, but after my party was over, I realized that the painting was gone. "Maybe someone stole it," I thought. But I only invited people I trust, how could they be so careless or naïve to steal my painting, it was not that expensive but it sure was a painting that was painted with skill. I looked everywhere in the house until I found the painting in the attic. I was happy to have found it, so I attempted to move it again into my living room that an energy emitted from the painting stopped me. So, I decided to keep it there.

The painting of the girl was changed. Now, her eyes were visible and it was like she was looking at me. There was a little anger in her eyes. I sensed that she wanted to tell me something. Something she was upset or angry about.

I went to sleep in my bed. I had a lot to do the next morning, I had to finish decorating the house. So, I went straight to bed. When I was closing my eyes, I heard strange sounds coming from the attic where the painting was located. The music was so good that I was in rapture. I felt alive with a sense of belonging to the world. It was amazing. I got up to follow the sound of the music and when I reached the painting, it all stopped. I wanted more of that music. I needed it in my life. I thought I was hallucinating but It was a good hallucination, something I was not ready to give up.

The next night, it happened again and I was blessed with listening to that divine music. The music was different from the night before, it was like it was based on what I have gone through the day. It was my life playing through music. At that point, I knew this music was coming from the painting. A warm feeling in my heart said so. Nights passed and I was addicted to that music. After 40 days, it stopped. I didn't know what to do, I was so in raptured by the music that I forgot about myself. I became depressed and stared at the painting for hours, but no sound came out of it. I stayed up nights after nights until I became sick from lack of sleeping.

This shouldn't have gone this far. I decided to go back to that Bazaar and ask the seller about the painting. He told me he just gets the paintings for cheep from an art gallery nearby. He gave me an address. I arrived hours to get to the art gallery. I went inside, it was a big hall full of paintings of the moon. I saw a woman wearing a white dress sitting on a chair. Her back was to me, so I couldn't see her face.

"Excuse me, can I speak with you for a moment?" I asked the woman.

Suddenly one of the paintings on the wall fell on the ground and I jumped and looked back when I turned around to speak to the woman, she ran towards a door, I followed her. I crossed that door and I was in another room. The door disappeared, the woman disappeared, there was a chair in the middle of the room and there was a violin as well. There was a note on the chair that read "Play Me." I didn't know how to play violin, how could I play this. I felt suffocated and cried for help. It was utter silence. The silence was deafening.

I took the violin and started playing, I was surprised to see how well I could play the violin. At that moment, I felt "lost" and I felt a sort of magic run through me, the music was attuned to my emotions and there was a lot of it I was going through. Why I sold the house and why I bought a new one, it was because I didn't want to experience again and again the pain of the past. How she died in my arms. I wanted to let her go but I couldn't, she was my wife, my love. I cried and cried until I passed out on the ground. When I woke up I felt relieved and got back to my house to look for the painting, but it was gone for good.