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The honeymoon

Jan Jakub Nanista

Oh my God, I can't believe I'm getting married so soon. This will be the most important day of my life, and I can't mess it up in any way. Hopefully everything is in working order (phone rings).

Caller:Hey darling, I hope you're ready because I'm nearly at your house.
Me: I've already made preparations, and I'll be waiting.
Caller:Okay, sweetie bye (call ends) .

Ok, let me give you a brief introduction. My name is Mirabe, but you may call me Mira. I'm getting married to the love of my life, Edward, in two days. He has been a great friend to me all my life, ever since we first connected, and we're ready to take an enduring pledge of fidelity. Since he proposed, I've been overjoyed, and I can't wait to walk down the aisle in my all-white gown, which I've already bought. We also have a pre-wedding picture shoot planned for today.
He arrived at my place, and we immediately departed to travel to the location of the photo session. We didn't say much on the way there; instead, we simply grooved to the music he was playing. I was exhausted when we arrived, so we decided to take a rest before we started taking pictures and changing into other outfits.
Edward: I hope you're doing well, baby.
Mira: I'm fine, but I just need to take some time to rest.
Edward was about to continue when a girl who appeared to have been attempting to catch our attention ever since we arrived at the photo store interrupted him.
Strange girl: Hello, my name is Linda, and I assume that you two will soon become a pair.
Mira: We are; I hope all is well with you.
Linda: tThere is absolutely no issue here; all I'm trying to do is introduce a lovely location where you may spend your honeymoon. It's a very special location with everything you could possibly need, and it will only be the two of you there with no outsiders.
Mira: Well, that sounds extremely cool. Where is this unusual location located? We would want to visit there.
Linda: I'll write down the address because it is only in the neighboring nation, and I'll also write down my phone number so you can call me and I'll be there to meet you.
Mira: Ok, we'll call you.

After we left the photo studio, we went to get the other things we would need and to start preparing for tomorrow because there would be a bridal shower for the women and bachelor's eve for the men. We finished everything, and they had to leave the bride to get some beauty sleep so she wouldn't look stressed. Edward and I didn't mention the honeymoon destination.

Everyone was seen frantically scrambling to arrange things, and the bride and groom were getting dressed wherever they were as well. They completed the wedding, and when it was time for everyone to return home, the newlywed couples did as well to prepare for their upcoming honeymoon in a foreign country. They had already packed their bags with all of the necessary items, and Mira phoned Linda to let her know they would be arriving on the first flight the following day before hanging up.
Edward doesn't seem to like the surroundings when they arrive at the location in the middle of the day, but Mira reassured him that everything will be okay. Linda was waiting for them at the house and helped them settle in before leaving after giving them all the information they required.
Edward: Mira, something about this area simply doesn't feel right, and I have a nasty feeling about it.
Mira: Common, the location is pleasant and cool; simply get used to it.
Edward became alarmed when the kitchen door, which had been closed, abruptly flew open as he was about to say something else.
Edward: mira Was it you who opened the kitchen door?
Mira: Stop acting like a child, please, because it might have been the breeze,
Edward: i know what i saw
Mira: babe You must be quite worn out from the entire trip; I suggest you should take a nap.

They went to bed, and later that night the window they closed before going to sleep fluttered open completely. The door knob also started to crack open, which woke up Edward and made him very afraid. He then woke up Mira, who was already sound asleep, but she didn't see or hear anything, and just as she was about to fall back asleep, the door fluttered open and shut itself again, which made them both very afraid.They fled the room and hurried to the parlor, where they encountered the most terrifying experience of their lives. The kitchen door kept opening and closing, the television kept turning on and off, and everything in the house was turned upside down. Just then, they spotted a figure of a woman who was soaking wet and had dark eyes. They realized they had come to spend their honeymoon with a ghost, at which point they passed out.
