theinkwell poetry challenge | The Last Time I Saw You



The last time I saw you
was like being in a beautiful garden
and stepping on a hidden
wrong side up


The last time I saw you
you should have been tied
to the end of the rope
that was tied on my end
to the boat


The last time I saw you
my tears glistened in your fur
and you grew cold in my arms
as I held your last bit of warmth more tightly
and purred


The last time I saw you
cookies were involved
and tea
and a lakeside, front porch, swing
Born again, of you

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This is my entry to @theinkwell's poetry challenge.

I love short poems, the shorter the better. But a twenty line limit is REALLY short, even for me. So I figured, why not go for shorter still?

Three of these are about loved ones of mine, the fourth is fictional. Hopefully all of them create an image for you readers so that you know who or what they are about. I hope too that they evoke a mood or emotion. I tried a bunch of different layouts and additional images to find some way to spiffy up the formatting, but simple worked best for these I thought.

One of the poems was inspired by a recent post by @myjob, who is writing the story of her very interesting life for #maynia. Those of you who know @myjob can probably easily figure out which one.

Another is a condensation of a poem I published very early on in my steem journey.

Thank you so much for reading my work.

Both images are mine.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column