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Don't give up on your dreams.

"When I grow up, I want to be a musician, go on tours, and inspire people with my music." Joshua said this in class when asked about his future.


"Haha." The rest of the class laughed at his dream. "He thinks people just wake up one morning and become musicians without having someone to help bring them to the limelight." A student said it from the back.

Joshua has always wanted to become a musician; it has been his dream since childhood, but not even his parents have supported this dream of his. They all wanted a stable job for him a 9-5 job, to be precise, but all Joshua wanted was to inspire people through music. Even when he tries to practice with his guitar in his room, he gets scolded for it and told to stop disturbing the neighborhood, but despite all these obstacles and discouragement, Joshua keeps staying optimistic and determined. He was optimistic and really wanted to do music.

"Mom, after high school, I will like to enroll in a music school instead of furthering my education in college." Joshua said, shivering, because countless times his mom has made her stand clear about his music dreams.

"I have already told you to give up that dream; I have not seen anyone who comes from nothing make it through music." His mom responded with a scornful look on her face.

"Mom, all I want to do is music; at least let me try, and if I don't see light at the end of the tunnel, I will let you know, then do as you wish." Joshua said this with tears in his eyes, as his whole dream was about to come crashing down before his eyes.

"Who told you we have so much money to spend, or do you have that luxury of time for trial and error?" His mom asked as she walked out of his room, banging the door behind her.

Joshua was later forced to go to college instead of a music school like he had in mind, and now he finds himself doing a stable job, a job he is so reluctant about but still manages to do anyway since he was forced to pause his dreams of becoming a musician and chase a stable job.

"There is an audition for upcoming artists at 23 Broadway Street this weekend. I would really love to attend and watch these upcoming stars showcase their talents. Would you like to come with me?" Joshua overheard a co-worker's conversation with his wife over the phone and rushed to approach him to make inquiries.

"I am sorry for eavesdropping, but I would like to get details about the audition. Is there an age limit because I am an upcoming star myself?" Joshua asked

"Don't you think you are too old to be called an upcoming artist?" The coworker asked as he burst into laughter, mocking Joshua, whose 38th birthday is just around the corner.

"Just give me the details and let me worry if I am too old to be called an upcoming artist or not." Joshua responded angrily, but still trying to keep his cool.

"Well, there is no age limit, oldie, so I believe you can still go, but don't get your hopes high as they are only after young stars." The coworker said making Joshua more angry.

"Never say never; it is never too late for a dream to become a reality. Don't be surprised when the oldies get picked." Joshua responded as he walked away.

Joshua went home smiling with so many thoughts running through his mind, and him trying to picture how he'd live his life as a musician if he eventually got picked. He waited anxiously for the deal day just so he could show the world what he was made of and how staying true to your dreams was the only way to make them happen.

"So you are Josh; how long have you been a musician, and what should we be expecting from you?" The judges asked on the day of the audition.

"I am Joshua; Josh is like a stage name. Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to inspire people with my music but was forced to let go of that dream by my family, but today I am here to pick it up if I am given the chance." Joshua responded

"Well, you have the stage, Josh. show us what you have got." The judges said as they sat back to enjoy.

Joshua sang melodiously and won the hearts of the judges. "Indeed, he had it in him all these years; he just wasn't given the opportunity to prove himself." One of the judges said.

Joshua was later picked as the winner and is now going places, and his dream has become a reality. When he was asked how he managed to make it happen despite his age in an interview, as many people would have given up and focused on their job.


"Many people believed I was too old and should give up the dream, but I was made to understand that it is never too late as long as you stay determined. Never say never, as you don't know when it is going to be." Joshua responded as the interview came to an end.