non fiction prompt- Classim

Hey everyone. This is my first time posting in this community. I could not contribute to the growth of this community due to some prior commitments. I would like to share an incident that resonates with the idiom given in the prompt.

Not everything that we perceive can be right. I have had this problem of assuming things in my friends circle. I belong to a middle class family. My friends belonged to the elite class. They were unaware of what I had to go through growing up and I still am unaware of how they have grew up.

I always thought that we human beings encounter similar problems in our lives in one way or the other until one day an incident made me realize that the class division is very strong.

In my university days, I used to work a lot to stay focused on my studies becuase good grades are necessary to attain a good job. I always behaved nicely with the teachers and never even tried to break the code of conduct. I did every possible thing within my power to be a highlighted student academically. This was the only way out for me. However, my friends were very different in this regard. Good grades were like water off the duck's back for them. They were never bothered by the exams.

Gradually, I came to know that none of them attended any classes. They neither attended any of the classes nor obeyed the code of conduct. Still, they got good grades. I was shocked at how this happened. A really close friend of mine named Saliha told me that the elite class share a considerable influence on how things take place be it the education sector or the political domain.

It opened my eyes and I realized that not everything that we assume can be right. Yes, people do have different thoughts and perceptions too. Their lives face different challenges. For some people, getting good grades can be everything while for others, it can be water off the duck's back.

Images are my work
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